chapter 10

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The evening was there and Alexander walked in the office, Dave was waiting while sitting on his working table. Dave's short dark hair were messy today, it looked like he had a hard day. He sounded angry when he started speaking:

-What's your question?

-Questions, Actually, huh. Dave stared at him with a really tired face. Since I'm always with A2 well I started wondering who he was? And how did he end up here and all?

-I knew it, Julia probably told you that he was a god monster and what it was, that's all you need to know. Alex changed his facial expression real fast, he was annoyed, he needed answers.

-I wanna know how he ended up here. Please Dave. His boss turned around to face the window, he thought.

-If you tell anyone, I will know and you'll be fired.

-Alright I'm fine with that! I won’t tell a soul! 

-Alright then listen carefully because I ain’t saying it again. Back in time, when Chad got captured by the FBI, one of the FBI workers was my dad. He and his co-workers fought to capture this beast. It was dangerous, it had scared and hurt a whole city before that day. When my dad had to fight him, he had done his best but lost his life. Well he lost it after it got captured, while putting him in the bottle of glass it got furious and attacked everyone with his claws and power. That's where he cut my dad's head and arms. This asshole took his arm like a trophy and with whatever power it used it put the arm on his head. This night it happened, I was there. My dad told me multiple times to stay outside but I was a kid and decided to walk in anyway. I saw everything, everyone was dead on the floor, there was only him and me. It stared at me with blood all over him but didn’t attack, I was a kid with a teddy bear in my arms, he probably felt bad. That's probably the only time he ever felt bad for someone human. Some time later some FBI arrived and captured him better this time. They put him in a green substance that makes his power as little as a spider and left him there in laboratorys. The scientists were trying to find something that would kill him until I became who I am and transferred him to my laboratory. We're still trying to find a way to kill that thing but it looks like it's unkillable. Alexander was staring at him with shocked eyes, “That's what happened to Chad? Was he that much dangerous?” 

-Oh wow, I huh, have to work now, thank you for telling me I’m not gonna tell anyone I promise. Sorry for your father by the way.

-Go work. Alexander turned around and left the room, he was terrified by the answers he got, he had never been ready for those. He told himself before entering the room where Chad was: “It’s okay, he can't hurt anyone where he is, you'll be fine. I don’t know why I'm stressing that much! I mean he doesn't sound aggressive like that.” He walked forward and the doors opened, when he saw Chad suddenly his stress disappeared. He smiled at the beast and he knew even without his eyes to see or a sound to hear, he smiled back at him. Later that night Alex started talking to him about his date with Julia and how it went.

-Sounds great, you guys are just friends, that's great. Chad smiled. The scientist was wondering though:

-I thought if you're in there then that means you're aggressive right? Chad looked at him and his face changed, he looked devastated.

-No…I'm not, I only defend myself.

-Then where did this hand come from? Chad's eyes opened widely. 

-It wasn't supposed to happen. How do you know? Whoever told you about me is wrong I swear! 

-It's okay, it's okay I don’t believe them I promise, whatever you tell me, I'll believe you. He gently said while walking fast forward to the glass.

-I'm not a bad guy, people just think I am and act like it is the case and then I hurt them but I don’t wanna. I don’t know why I hurt. He gently placed his hands on the glass and finished his sentence. I don’t want you to believe what they said, I don’t care what anyone else thinks but you. Alexander also laid his hand on the glass exactly where Chad's one was.

-I believe you. I know how it feels to get treated like someone you're not. 

-How do you know? He asked softly and intrigued.

-We're talking about you here not me, I don’t wanna be the center. He giggled.

-You already are. He glared at him. Alex took a breath and spoked:

-My parents always treated me like I was my brother and I was gonna kill myself with my stupidities like he did. But they forgot about me while taking care of me weirdly. They ended up doing what my sibling did while trying to make me not do it, it's hard to explain. 

-He killed himself?

-No he fell from very high and well yeah. It was his idea to climb around the cliff like always. My parents went crazy after they had me and fought with each other. They divorced and my mom died of a disease and my dad left and I never saw him again. That's why I'm alone now, I have no one but you.

-You have Julia. He whispered attractively.

-Right, you make me forget about her. He whispered back. The mood wasn't sad, Alex wasn't that affected by his own story he was more affected by Chad himself.

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