Chapter 8

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Some years ago, before all of that happened. There was darkness, void, nothing until a little sound was heard. The monster, after hearing a little rock fall on the dirty ground, opened his green eyes. There was still no light but really up high on top of his head there was. The sun was shining through the hole, without hesitation he jumped. He went so high that he was blinded by the light but was outside. It was empty there, there was only sand and cactus everywhere. The thing was crouching on the ground because he couldn’t figure out how to walk. He put a hand on his knee and stood up with difficulty, he moved forward his right foot then the left. He started walking, not easily but it was fine, his dark deer legs were working well. Far away in the distance there he saw a cube with some moving dark figure. He went forward to this weird place and there were even more cubes. He hid behind a big rock and looked around, people were eating red and yellow things, some were giving and some were just there doing nothing. The monster jumped when he saw one of them but little, looking at him from afar. The child walked to the hidden monster without fear. She said hi to him with the biggest smile ever, the thing said Hello back. 

-What's your name? She asked gently.

-Huh, Chad? He didn’t have a name, he just said something that looked right. He was more scared than the kid, so she took out a toy as little as her and showed him, like she was asking to play with him. Nothing had to be said, he took it and they started playing with the toy. The sun was bright and it was hot but it became even more when the parent of the child came over. They screamed after seeing this thing, he wasn’t touching or doing anything bad to their daughter but he was horrible. “He had the look of a monster so obviously he was one” the parents thought.  They took the child and ran away while screaming that there was a demon there. Chad didn’t understand what was happening so he followed his first thought and ran away back to his cave where no one would see him and scream. He waited years and years, looking from far at the humans and hiding again, until he decided to try again. He went back there, close to it and watched. Obviously someone saw him but the world had grown so much that they didn’t scream, they took their phone and called for help. It was always bright here, the sun was big and yellow and with that light, after Chad hid again in his cave, they found him pretty easily. The humans called themself FBI and when they looked at the hole in the ground not that far from the city, they saw what they called a monster. Deep down in this cave their eyes stared at something else’s eyes, green and big eyes, a creature with really dark skin and hair even more dark and messy. The monster looked scared for his life but so did the FBI, they threw an explosif down there to make the creature go up. Chad did exactly what they wanted him to do, he jumped and ended up in a net. The humans closed it and kept him in there until they put him in a cage as big as him. This time it wasn't the humans that were screaming, it was him.

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