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"Good morning ma'am." Your secretary, Jeong Min greeted you with a sheepish smile only to get a cold look from you.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to bother about these Good mornings and stuff, huh?" You spoke with a straight face and no hint of emotion.

"Ma'am, you're my boss. Of course, I've to greet you every day." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I think you're also aware of the fact that I can fire you any moment, right?" You looked at him.

"Ma'am, your schedule for today." He was quick enough to change the topic.

No matter how much he annoyed you with his greetings, he was still one of the most competent people at your company and this was a fair reason for you to keep up with him.

"Who is this Do Young?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Ma'am, Do Young is the son of Mr. Do Min Joon, our rival." He replied.

"Are you certain? I think he just had a daughter." You confirmed.

"Yes ma'am. I'm very certain." He told.

"Why does this guy want to see me out of nowhere? Are you a fool? He wants to see me and you added this to my schedule! Ridiculous! Tell him I can't meet him. Cancel all the meetings for today, I'm going to take care of some things over here." You spoke massaging your temples.

"Ma'am, you should at least listen to him. Haven't you heard the old saying, 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.'?" He suggested.

"You don't have to advise me, Jeong Min. Just do as I say." You glared at him.

"Sure ma'am." He said obediently.

You were surrounded by multiple stacks of files and papers. You were too lost in the work when your phone rang.

"Hello?" You picked up without looking at who was calling you.

"Mom! It's Mom, you workaholic ass!" She yelled from the other side. You sighed.

"What is it, Mom? If it's nothing important, then may I please hang up? I'm quite busy right now." You spoke while going through 2 files at the same time.

"Y/n, are you serious? Did you forget or are you pretending?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"What did I forget? What am I pretending? What are you talking about, Mom?" You asked, being so done with her.

"It's Soo Min's wedding today. Do you remember her? She once used to be your best friend!" She told all tired. Realisation hit you.

"Oh fuck! I was too busy with my work." You spoke standing up from your chair.

"Expected from you." She added.

"I am just busy doing the needful to keep the company running." You replied.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. You never listen to me, anyway. Your habit of prioritizing your work over your people makes you a complete failure in life. I think you're happy with ruining people's mood." She remarked and hung up on you. You were about to leave your cabin but her harsh words made you stop in your tracks.

She has always said the most disheartening things to you at the most inappropriate times. It's not like you forgot her wedding day intentionally but, it's just that you were too occupied with things. Blinking your eyes to resist the heat coming out from them, you walked out quickly.

You reached your home in 15 minutes. You quickly dressed up.

You left immediately and headed to your car

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You left immediately and headed to your car. You drove off to the wedding destination. After a good drive of one and a half hours, you reached.

You parked the car and entered the venue. The view was simple, yet ethereal.

"Y/n?" Soo Min called and you turned to look at her

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"Y/n?" Soo Min called and you turned to look at her.

"Oh god! I almost thought you wouldn't come. I'm so happy to see you here!" She screamed in excitement.

"I was just stuck with some work. I hope I'm not late." You smiled hugging her.

"Of course, you're late girl! I'm already married and I'm so mad at you." She laughed, half-annoyed.

"I'm sorry." You apologised to which she nodded and sighed.

"Apologies won't work Y/n. You have to make it up to me." She said.

"What do you mean?" You asked curiously.

"You'll have to take me to a picnic." She smiled cheekily.

"I'm in!" You smiled.

"Alright then. I forgive you. Enjoy yourself. I'll see you later." She patted your cheeks and you nodded.

You sighed when she left. You hated parties but this was your best friend's wedding! You were already mad at yourself for forgetting about it.

Taking a deep breath, you decided to head for a drink. Luckily enough, a waiter approached you with drinks. You took one and thanked him.

You turned around and crashed into a buffed chest and ended up spilling the alcohol on him. Also, the guy accidentally ended up spilling alcohol on you.

"I'm very sorry." Both of you spoke at the same time.

"Here." He offered a paper napkin. You had a very short eye contact with him and the voice was enough to send chills down your spine. You quickly looked away.

"No, thanks." You replied and started strolling away when you heard something which made you stop in your tracks.

"Dare completed. I spilled the alcohol on her." The guy laughed.

"You nailed it. Too good, you did that to Kim Y/n." The other one laughed.

"Is she Kim Y/n? Soo Min's best friend?" He asked and the other one hummed.

"Nice shot. She's a hot chick with some arrogant aura." The other guy said.

Your jaw ticked in fury. Stretching your arms for a minute, you took 2 glasses of alcohol from the waiter standing nearby and headed in their direction.

Both of them eyed you in a state of bafflement. Before they could comprehend, you splashed the beer in their faces.

"Sorry, I'm not sorry for my arrogant aura." You spoke through gritted teeth and scowled at the guy who threw alcohol at you earlier.


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