chapter 17

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-It's the pain of the one you loved that will cause you pain-

I sat there stunned.
He moved away immediately seeing my reaction but what could I do, it was the most awkward situation I was ever in.

"Brooklyn... I'm-" he said but I cut him off.

"just leave" I said as I stood up.

"Brooklyn please, I..." he paused.
I knew, he knew that he couldn't do anything to get me back.

I can't believe, even if I knew the truth is it that easy to forgive and forget.

I... he said he loved me but was it just a silly act like Ashton done or was it sincere.
but who am I kidding? I'm the schools loner girl who's a murderer...


it's our one year anniversary, Ashton and I have been together for a year, I'm at a loss of words.
From being just a normal girl who had a few friends and wasn't as popular but was still a social person to being the bad boys girl.
Yeah, we had a cliché story but I didn't care I loved him.
I'm at my house dressed and ready for our date.

he told me to dress classy but he said it was all a suprise.

I would have never thought of being with him but now that I am I'm the happiest ever.

the door bell rang and I walked down the stairs, my father knew about Ashton and I but we still weren't on speaking terms and Ashton knew my whole life story from the smallest detail to the largest we were inseparable.

I opened the door to see Ashton with a bouquet of red flowers and be was in a black tux.

"hey babe" he whispered moving closer giving me a peck on the lips. "these are for you" he handed me the flowers.

"hey" I whispered back a goofy grin on my face.
"let me just put these away" I said and went off to the kitchen and left it on the table.
The reason I didn't put it in a vase was because of my family, they'd just throw it away.
Well that's for sure because of me being the worst person to live.
I looked at the flowers for a minute as a tear fell from my eyes.
I wiped it away knowing that I shouldn't cry or Ashton would become suspicious.

I saw him still standing by the door.
Oh how I wished I had a family that would invite him in and where my dad would threaten him or my brother would do the same but truth be told, I had to face reality and knew that I would never have that.

I took his hand. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"yeah" I said.
he smiled down at me and we went on our special date which was a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant.

two and a half hours later we were in his room chatting until he smashed his lips against mines.
I loved that feeling I got when I was with him and I kissed back eagerly.

he undid my zip to my dress when I told him to stop.

I couldn't let him take my virginity, I'm still not ready.

"Oh come on," he yelled "I'm your boyfriend can't we just to it, we are together for already a year."

"I'm not ready" I whispered scared that he might hit me again.
It happened only once before, when I made him upset because of the same reason, I had to cover up my bruises that were on my body for weeks.

"you never are" he yelled and slapped me across my face.
even though he hurts me, I still loved him.

"and to think I'm being paid to stay with you and yet I still think that would rather leave you than take the money because you are as worthless as everyone else thinks" he added.

"What?" I asked shocked.
he was paid to do this, to date me.
I thought he loved me.
I thought we were perfect for each other but it was all a lie.

"yeah sweetheart it was all a plan to get laid by the schools good girl but might not be a complete loner but after this you will" he said and pulled me up and dragged me out his house then threw me out the door making me fall down the front porch steps.

I looked at him with tears rolling down my face.
how could he be so low?
how could someone go so low just for what? money!

I looked at him with sadness in my eyes and asked " who's paying you? " I questioned but then my question got answered as Marissa walked up to Ashton with a wad of cash in her hands and gave it to him.
I stood up and left with my broken heart in his hands.

from that day on I promised myself to never love again and what do I do I fall for Elijah but I would never tell him that I loved him even if he told me.
And after that day I stopped being the girl I wanted to be the one who wanted to be happy and did everything thing to keep myself that way, no, from that day I became the real me, the sad me.

I stood up and sat down on the bed.

Elijah said he loved me but do I?
I don't think I do but at the same time when our skin touches it feels different, when I look into his eyes it's as if we're the only ones there and when our lips touch it's... it's like.... magic.
But then again I don't even know what love is... after Ashton love is like a simple word to me it doesn't mean anything to me.
it doesn't mean what it suppose to mean, it's like a penny on the street you find it, it then goes in your pocket and then fall into your couch forgotten.

But with Elijah will love mean something else?

will it finally mean what I want it to mean?


Hey pplz hope you liked this chapter
I really don't know what to type after these chapters, like how everyone else get to write long things of 'I don't know what' so I'm just going to say:




Love you lots

Awesome_super_girl_ out ✌

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora