chapter 7

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You hate because you're hurt.
You forgive because you miss.
You cry because you yearn.
And You love because love is inevitable.

Do you remember that intimate moment I was in just now with Elijah, well let's take a recap to what had happened and what could have happened.

we were centimeters away, my heart racing faster than ever, his eyes...oh those beautiful emeralds shone with content.
we were just waiting for that right moment until the ferris wheel started to move again and we were next out so that intimate moment, yeah it never happened.

through the night we were awkward around each other until we sat down with some fries and were eating it and he broke the silence.

"So..." he began "Umm...well about that... y'know thing that happened on the ferris wheel why don't we just forget about it" he said
my face fell but I quickly regained my fake happy face.

"Umm...uh... yeah your right, just forget about it" I stated.

we were quiet after and soon I forgot about what happened and we started to get back to normal until we had to go home and then I sat in the Car and the thought came back.
When we reached my house, I looked at him for a swift moment and left the car without a greeting.
I entered my room, changed, made sure my curtains were closed and he was out of my sight and fell on my bed thinking.

Did he not feel the same way?, just to forget about what happened so easily. But to think I thought he was a great guy but I shouldn't judge.
I am here thinking about someone who has no feelings for me, the guy I have a crush on and only known for what?  a week. I'm a silly teenage girl with this dumb thing  called hormones and that when I have a crush it's nothing, it's... it's just silly girl... stuff.
Just girly stuff that's all.

Just girly stuff that's all.

Just girly stuff that's all.

I keep repeating it but it's sounds even sillier every time.
Every time...

It's 2 a.m. and I'm still awake why can't he just leave my mind... ugh.
I toss and turn, toss and turn, toss and turn all night and he is still on my mind.

His eyes.
His smile.
His lips...
His just so perfect, there's nothing wrong with him, his flawless and when it comes to me.
I'm...I'm just Brooklyn. I'm just me.
This happened for both Saturday and Sunday, my curtains were closed at all time and I stayed away from him.


It's 7:50 . SHIT!! ten more minutes till school starts.
I threw on anything on and left my hair out, I couldn't care right now I'm late.

I ran down the stairs and straight to my ..

5 minutes.

shit I ran into the school to my locker showed things in and pulled things out.

2 minutes.

I ran straight to my Algebra class and entered the class just in time.
thank god.
I walked toward my seat, while I heard wolf whistles following my way I looked down to see I had everything on no missing clothing items. That's when I realized what I'm wearing, my bra over my T-shirt.
Shit I ran to the bathroom fixing my outfit which was like I just should have stayed in my pj's before walking back to class my head down.
The lesson lasted longer than usual but when it ended I was up and out.
3 periods later and it's lunch.
Walking to my locker to put my books away but what I saw on my way there is what broke me.

Elijah and Marissa making out.
I can't believe this.
We caught eyes and I just walked away.
I heard him call my name.
I ignored him.
He called again.
I ignored him.

he grabbed my wrist so this time I turned around.

"What?!" I snapped
"What is your problem I thought we were just friends why are you getting upset" he said starting to get angry.
"Hmm..." I pretended to think " maybe I liked you, maybe I thought you were a great guy an amazing guy one with a good heart but I was wrong.

I was so damn wrong so stupid I can't believe this, I told myself not to judge not to look down on you but now I am right you're just a player, just another everyday guy.

you seem different at first sight y'know but then your true colors slowly come out and maybe I had a crush on you but the thing is when you finally realize who that person really is and that person, you, is Completely different from the guy I liked but the world's full of shit and full of crazy turns, lies and fake people and you're one of them but that's just my point of view" I finished and walked away.

I walked out the school, to my car and to the place that gives me the peace I need.

I reached there and went straight to her grave, my mom's grave the grave I cry at every Saturday afternoon but I needed her now although I stopped going in a long time I think it felt right to go back, I might be talking to someone who is dead but I know she is hearing.

"Hey mom" I cried "I miss you more than ever, I need you mom but guess what I'm talking to Bradley now you must be happy and I'm trying to get fad back the dad that was there for us not the one that changed after your death... mom I want you back" tears leaked down my face " Mommy I need you why?! why couldn't it be me" I whispered.
I cried and cried for hours I heard foot steps behind me, my head whipped at who was there. Bradley.
"Hey" he greeted
"hey" I said
"What you doing here? " he asked
"talking to mom and you?"I said "brought flowers and I miss her" he whispered.
I patted the side to which he should come sit .
he sat besides me and put the flowers by her grave.
"Do you ever think how different it would be if she was alive?" I asked

"Yeah, the family would be totally different" he chuckled.

we sat in silence for a few minutes until I started to cry again.
"I would have been happy, we would have been happy, we would have a united family ,Bradley and it was all my fault... all my fault.... all my fault" I whispered.
"It's not your fault it's faith Brook it's what was supposed to happen and that there's this saying "happiness doesn't last forever but neither does pain'" he said hugging me as tears fell out of his eyes too.
we sat there for a while until I took a deep breath and said. "I think we should go"

"Yeah" he whispered.

"by the way why aren't you in school?" I questioned.

"It's Thursday and well mom passed away on a Thursday so... every Thursday I come to her grave" he said with a sad smile "and what about you? " he asked.

I can't tell him about Elijah but I did go to my mom's grave because I need her.

"I needed mom" I said and it was true

"oh" was all he said and we parted ways to where our cars.

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now