chapter 10

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Elijah's 4 year old sister, Lamees, to the side/top.

Brooklyn's POV
* * *

love is like a lost soul, unseen, unheard, forever in the darkness once found there's nothing breaking it apart.

how could I be so stupid and rum away from him like that, he is a good guy and he chose me to go on a date with no one else, not Marissa but me.

Walking down the corridors of the school on a Monday morning isn't as bad as you think it is...if you weren't me.
It's been so difficult for both Elijah and I,  we have been trying to ignore each other but everywhere I turn his there and it gets very annoying.
I know his upset but being the stubborn person I am will not apologise first and looks like he is too the stubborn one.

It's science  now and here I am stuck with Elijah as I partner.
No looking at the chair as I sat, I felt something wet maybe it was water but what if it was pee.
Oh god.
I lifted myself of the chair and felt it.
Slowly looking at my hand blue ink stained.
Laughter roared in the back of the class.
Looking behind me, I locked eyes with Marissa, she held a devious look.
Instead of saying anything I just got up and left the class and out the door.
I couldn't do this I wanted to go home.
I didn't want to see Elijah.
I didn't want to be humiliated.
I wanted to go into oblivion.
I wanted to forget...

As I arrive home, my day gets even worse, my dad's home. UGH!!

I walked up to my room without him seeing me. Well that's what I thought until I heard a knock at my door I was crying and I couldn't let anyone see me like this.
I sniffled and wiped my tears.
"Come in" I called after I was done trying to clear my face of any sign of tears.

My dad walked into my room.
"Hey princess" he greeted.
WHAT?! is my dad, MY DAD, actually talking to me.
oh my... a tear fell down by hearing my dad's voice so soft, so kind.

"why are you crying?" he asked sweetly.

"dad..." I said softly as tears fell down my face.

he came rushing to me, sat down besides me and hugged me as the tears fell down my face.

"Don't cry sweetie, I'm here and I'll always be here for you" he said.

I cried into his arms.

"I miss you so much" I cried

"No matter what, I know I've been a bad father but I'm not wasting anytime neglecting you, I'm here for you and even if you don't need me, I'm never leaving until god needs me and only when that's happening I'm here" he whispered I looked up at my father as tears were rolling down his eyes too.

"I love you dad" I said

"I love you too sweetie" he hugged me and he left.

I stayed there thinking how my life changed in just a month.

I met Elijah.
My brother and I are speaking again.
My dad's back.
My family is falling back to place.
Elijah and I are off speaking terms.
But yet I feel as if something is missing...


It's five p.m. and I've been looking at my ceiling for hours as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

My minds been blank for hours and I like it, as if I'm free and the world doesn't exist as if all is just perfect.




I looked at my window and saw Elijah there by the tree.

I went over and opened my window.

I let him in.
I know I shouldn't have.
But I did.

"Hey" he greeted as he entered.

"Hi" I whispered.

"So..." I said feeling awkward and knowing he too felt that way.

"So..." he said.

"I'm here and I'm here for a reason, to tell you how I feel" he took a deep breath "I like you I'm not sure with the love thing because it's only been a month, but I do love things about you.

I love the way you look at me.
I love your smile.
I love your eyes, the way your eyes shine.
I love when your mad, I love when your happy.
I love how beautiful you.
You're beautiful even when you cry, your beautiful when your angry,
You're beautiful when smile,
Your personality is like a gun,
Once your shot with it there's always a scar and by that I mean your personality, once out it's something you keep seeing something you keep looking at and something you can get tired of.

But most of all I love the way you make me feel" he finished.

I was touched, I didn't know what to say.

"I...I" I began but didn't know how to form my word.

"Do you want to y'know come over?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

"sure" I smiled.

we did the window routine which I named just now.
when we reached his window and were inside, I saw the cutest little girl.

"Hi" I waved at her.
she smiled.
"hello" she said. "who are you?" She asked, her voice was so adorbz.
"my name is Brooklyn and you are?" I asked.
"Lamees" she answered.
"Wow, I really like your name" I said.
"really? " she asked her eyes gleaming with joy.
I nodded.
she grabbed my hand and took me down the stairs.
I saw a women sitting there with a baby in her hand.
"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Richards. " I said sticking my hand out to shake her but her hands were occupied by a baby.
"Do you mind if I hold her?" I asked.

"No, go ahead she's been troubling me all day and please call me, Nadine" she said. I took the child from her hold and smiled.
I started to make silly face and laughing at how cute the baby was until I heard something that made me beetroot red.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend Elijah" his mom said.

"Umm... we are just friends Mrs Richards" I said.

"Please call me Nadine' she said.

"oh sorry" I said shyly, I didn't realize but the baby was sound asleep in my hand.

"she's asleep" I whispered

Nadine took the baby who I learnt her name was Noah.
Elijah and I went up to his room and talked and talked about random things it made me feel like the world was in place like that missing piece was found.

"I think I should go" I whispered as we were sat in a comfortable silence.

"Yeah" he agreed.
we both stood up.

"Well..." I said as we faced each other and the awkwardness set yet again upon us.

"Well..." he said.

"So... I think I should go" I said but didn't move.
"Oh fuck it" he said.

he grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mines and I was shocked at first but his lips against mines felt good it felt... right.
it felt as if time stopped as if everything around us disappeared and we were the only ones in this world left and if it were just us.
held my face while my hands went around his neck.

I smiled.

This was what I wanted, this was what I needed.


hope you like...




hey guys I won't be updating for a while.
I'm writing exams the worst thing that's on the face of the earth.

love you lots.

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora