chapter 26

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Heyy ppls if you could please do me this one favor and please read this book by Cece_Blue123 it's awesome and I hope u guys like it so please give it a try


-Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to everyone around you-

Ok so, here I am standing in the middle of the schools auditorium while everyone watches my every move waiting for me to mess up, there were sounds of voices screaming 'looser' 'slut' 'attention seeking whore' and well y'know the list goes on but there were some sympathetic looks which hurt even more.

I cleared my throat and was about to start when a tomato was thrown at my face, I looked up and felt the gooey feeling on my face, as the tomato slid down my face and onto the floor another came flying at me and soon they were like a swarm of bees ready to attack and in all 5 seconds I was being pummeled by tomatoes, I tired to dodge all... well most but there were too many and I couldn't run, it was as if I were stuck to the ground by glue, I knew it was out of shock and embarrassment that I was 'glued' to the stage of the auditorium.

A figure came forward towards me, I thought it was the principal but it wasn't and this shocked everyone because as soon as he came onto the stage the flying tomatoes stopped.

"What is wrong with all of you?!" he yelled which shocked me even more, is he actually standing up for me?

me. the looser, the introvert, the freak... Me? have I gone mad or us this actually real?

"are you okay?" he came forward to see, I was stood still not sure if I should move or not, it was as if I were to move then a bomb would go off and if I don't terrorists would attack, and both of the resolutions will end up in me dying.

while still having the debate about running or staying in my place the mystery guy was already standing in front me.

"Are you alright?" he asked genuinely concerned which kind of made me really happy.

"Umm-uh....what?" I said lost in his beauty.
he chuckled a melodious chuckle but it still couldn't beat Elijah's.
Why am I thinking of him?

"Come on let's get you cleaned up" he smiled and I smiled  back walking with him back stage still awestruck by his beauty.

As I looked back on the stage, I see Elijah making his way over and as we catch eyesight of each other I shake my head, I don't want another episode with us fighting, I just want to stop all this fighting, I just want to give up...

he stopped dead in his track and that was the last I've seen of him because I was backstage already.

"Do you have another set of clothing?" I snapped my head towards the melodious voice of the stranger.

I shook my head and then realized that he wasn't looking at me, he was looking ahead guiding us out the auditorium.

"no" I answered

he kept walking without an answer and walked towards the lockers and towards my locker but as we kept on walking, me with a puzzled look but I didn't say anything.

when we reached the lockers we didn't stop at mines but the one next to mine and that's when realization hit me that it was his locker.
As he opened the locker and pulled out a bag I asked
"why are you doing this?"

"I don't like the way people treat you, it's shocking to think that any of them have any lives but to torment a girl who has done nothing to them but try to fit in" he finished

I felt my heart beat increase and the room or hall get hotter, so I looked down.

"awe... are you blushing. " he said more a statement than a question.

"shut up" I said playfully and then we kept walking in another silence but this time it was a comfortable one...

we walked towards the bathrooms, the girls bathroom to be more specific.

"you aren't allowed in there" I said.

"It's just a sign sweet heart, a bathroom is a bathroom." he placed duct tape over the bathroom sign which concluded in the sign being completely covered "there... now it's just a bathroom" and with that said we walked in.

he pulled his shirt of revealing his smoking hot abs, I knew I was staring so looked away Immediately.

"here"   he said throwing his shirt at me, I looked down at it.

"you don't want to smell like tomatoes all day do you?" questioned with a smirk on his face.

I just walked into to one of the stalls and pulled my shirt over my head and looked down at my stomach seeing the scars from my cuts I did just a few weeks ago and then the disappointment and regret settled in me, shy did I ever do this to myself? I might be depressed but I can't let anyone get to me, I need to be strong, at least stronger than what I am now...

I put his shirt and and smelled the cologne, which in my defense smelled really good and then walked out of the bathroom stall.

"What are those?" I jumped at Mr mysterious voice

"What? " I asked confused

"those cut marks on your hand " he said with a pityful frown.

I looked down at my hand and sighed, I realized that I wasn't wearing a long shirt underneath, but what could I do, it smelled like tomatoes and so it concluded in me removing that shirt.

"please just don't" I said with hate "don't give me those pityful looks, don't think I'm a reck, because I'm not, I'm human and of you can't accept than you can't accept me, I'm human and if you find what I do to myself amusing you're not himan" I said with so much hatred lacing my voice.

he looked at me as if I were crazy, as if I were a mad person running a muck but then he lifted his shirt -which he had put on while I changed in the bathroom cubicle- and what he showed me shocked me to the core, he had scars worse then mines running up his arm he seemed ashamed and embarrassed but truly for me, he's a fighter and a strong person, I don't know what he'd been through so I can't judge the situation but I don't think I'd ever judge why he cuts all I know is that we are both weak and that if we're still alive through what we've both been through we're heros.

he grabbed my hand and we left the bathroom.

"y'know I'm not a kid that needs to be held by the hand and dragged around, I can walk fine by myself" I said amusement evident in my voice.

"Come on" he pulled me towards the exit of the school "let's get out of this hell hole"
and then we were off

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