chapter 29

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"Don't peak" he whispered as his hand covered my eyes

We are now at this so called mysterious place where Elijah thought it was a good idea for our 'back together again relationship'. I did not deny him from taking me here as his excitement made me excited which made him even more excited if that even made sense.

We walked for a while until we came to a halt, I tried to open my eyes but he just said not yet my darling...

I stood in silence while I thought about all our happy memories and pushing the bad ones behind me...

"Okay... Open your eyes" he whispers, his hand around my waist as he rests his head on my shoulder.

I slowly open my as and look around, we were in the middle of the woods where we had our first date. My heart swelled with happiness as I looked around ... We were at the exact same place but now we were surrounded by roses everywhere, all beautiful white roses .

I there was blanket on the floor surrounded by pillows and a picnic basket in the middle.

"When did you do all of this... It is...beautiful" I said in shock, it took my breath away and it was sure a beautiful site to see.

"This was all here for a very long time, except the food... and all these roses, I made sure I change it everyday so I could bring here when you finally came back to... Brook... I-I love you and I'd give up my whole word just to see your smile and hold you close to me...

"Oh, Elijah... I-I am truly suprised but at the same time so happy that I have you in my life... I love you, Eli" I whispered.

We leaned in slowly not breaking eye contact.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?" A voice that asked, I looked to the side to see Mason standing there waving at us.

"Oh, you again" Elijah said in disdain.

"Elijah don't be so rude" I warned.
I walked over to Mason with a smile and fa e him a friendly hug which he held on longer than I wanted.

"Hi Brooklyn and Elijah, what are you guys doing?" He asked, I could sense the tension between Eli and Mason.

"We are here on a date, What about you? " I answer Looking at him in confusion.

How would Mason know where we were sat at that exact moment? What time we were to arrive? Or the perfect time to ruin our moment?

Was it just a coincidence, was it?

"Oh..." He took a long pause as if debating on what to say or it could just be something else "I came here everyday since I have arrived last week , it was full of flowers and it soothed me and I came here everyday since" he said looking at me intently in my eyes.
Elijah held me close to him and I closed my eyes. I missed his touch and the way we fit perfectly together, he made me realize that he was all I wanted.

"if you don't mind could we just have sometime alone, Elijah and I?" I asked unsure if he'd agree.

"Oh.. um... yeah sure" and he turned around and walked away leaving Elijah and I Alone or so I thought...


The next morning I woke up with birds chirping and the sun's rays hitting our faces.

"Elijah" I whispered calling his name trying to wake him up.
He did not even flinch.

I got closer to his ear ready to scream before he said...

"Don't even dare"

I looked at him in utter shock

"How did you know I was going to scream at you when you did not even answer me when I whispered your name" I said looking at him still shocked.

"I heard you , I was awake before you, sweetheart it is just that I wanted to scare you, which worked" he said smiling cheekily at me, I gave him a deadpanned look and rolled my eyes. I stood up and walked towards his car waiting for him to open the car and drive us home.

"You do know we have school" I yelled to no one.

"I do" he said smiling and walking towards me "but we can just skip",he smiled pecking my lips.

"No, yesterday I skipped so today I'm going no matter what" I said standing my ground.
He looked at me amused and smiled down at my stubbornness.
"We all know that I will never win in an argument with you about school" he laughed.
"And we all know that you can't even win anything so just... shut up" I pulled my tongue out at him and sat in the Car replaying my dumb remark to Elijah.
Throughout the drive I kept on replaying our happy moments together and our life so far with each other and that no matter what, we'll always be there for each other and that I love him and that it's is clear that he loves me.

We've went through a tough time and even though we fight, we'll always still love each other no matter what and I just hope we will be together forever.

We arrived home and I went straight to my room and entered my bathroom. I took the quickest shower known to man and changed as fast as possible.

I looked over at Elijah's window to see if he was ready and set just to catch him looking at me lovingly.
My heart swelled as I seen the way he looked at me with such love such adore and happiness that I knew he would be the only man I love.

We walked our way through the hallways of highschool hand in hand and smiling like idiots but we did not care, we love each other so much that worrying what others think would be the last thing on our minds.

We were stopped by someone coming our way... someone that i was not ready to see.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend, slut" Marissa yells in her usual high voice.

"Umm... I'm sorry which boyfriend?, the invisible one next to me because I'm just here with my boyfriend walking down the halls." I say naturally and a number of 'oohs' and 'burns' travel around us.

"Excuse me-" I cut Marissa off with a glare and said "don't dare open that mouth of yours, I know more about than anyone here. Things that can ruin your life in a split second" I said the last part in a whisper just for her to hear.

"Don't- don't you dare!" She shouts.

"Do you really want to test my patience?" Questioned walking closer to her in a scary manner.
I could see the fear in her eyes as she looked at me, the way she moved a step back in fear.
I knew than that she was done, done ruining my life, taunting me.

She walked away folding her arms looking down in shame.
Once no one was looking at her and left since the bell rang she turned around and smiled at me wording out 'thank you'. U smiled back at her and answered 'we will always be best friends' and she left.

I knew the old Marissa was still in there, the Marissa that was my best friend when we were 5.
I looked over at Elijah seeing a smile spread across his face.

"I knew she was a good person, you just had to bring it out of her" he said smiling down at me. Love held in his eyes as he looked at me.
Today us where my life begins, where my old ife is coming back into place, where the happy and cheerful Brooklyn was, though mom won't be here with us physically she'll always be with us in our hearts and that's all I need.

"Yeah, she just needed a push" I said agreeing with Elijah.

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now