chapter 3

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Change. It's so simple to say so simple to pronounce but then has so much meaning and yet we all want it.

I ran out my house tears in my eyes, I couldn't take it anymore I just want to leave but then when I looked up I saw that boy, my neighbor right there in the flash every time I look at him the more handsome he became, his perfect jawline, those amazing green eyes that I have never seen before those lips of his and that six pack that you can see flex through his shirt. I hadn't noticed I have been staring until his eyes met mine and I looked away in embarrassment and my face beetroot red by now.

"Hey neighbor, how are you" he said a smirk evident on his face. I noticed an accent, an British accent, one that could make a girl crumble to her knees.

"Umm... uhh... I mean... uh... hi..." me being the unsociable person stuttered.

"Are you alright since yesterday you totally just shut me out, yeah I understand I'm new here but that was sort of mean, what happened to that friendly welcome" his smirk falling

"Oh...umm...sorry...uh... about that it's just that y'know teenage girl stuff... yeah... uhh.. yip teenage girl stuff" I said trying to convince myself more than I wanted to convince him.

"Oh okay... well my name is Elijah, Elijah. William. Richards and you are?" He asked

"Oh... umm Brooklyn. Anne. Branson" I asked

"So Elijah. William. Richards it was lovely to meet you but alas I have to attend this very important meeting which lasts about 8 hours a day at a very important place which I depend on more my future it's called hell AKA highschool " I said with a very posh British accent , he was literally the first person that I had a real conversation with in a really, really long time. It made me feel happy and brand new inside, it made me feel giddy as butterflies flew around in my stomach.
As I looked deep into his eyes my heart speeded faster and my mind couldn't function properly.
I never believed in love at first sight but seeing him at this moment made it feel like it was actually real.
But then again I could be wrong.
I hadn't eaten since yesterday.
It was normal for me not to eat so I really don't get it right now not at this moment.

" likewise Madam" he said with a bow and no need for an accent as he already has one.

"Oh and by the way... great accent" he said with amusement lacing every word he said

"Why thank you kind sir there would be nothing that would have made me happier than what you have said right now" I said with a huge grin plastered on my face.

"See you around America" he said.

"See you around Britain" I said.

And we both were off, me heading to my car and vice versa.


When I reached school my normal routine would carry on me being a loner and all.

I put my bag over my shoulder, locked my car and shove my ear phones in my ear, everybody wants to rule the world- lorde started to play as I began humming to the song as I walked towards my locker pulling my algebra book out my locker and shoving the rest of stuff into my locker.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see who it was and thats when I saw Britain.

Pulling my earphones out and smiling up to him.

"Hey Britain" I greeted

"Hey America" he greeted a huge grin on his face.

"Hey... what do you need" I said feeling awkward because everyone was staring, yes everyone in the school knew who I was, not in a popular way but as the loner girl who killed her mother.

"Will you show me around?" He asked

"Well...why?" I asked because out of all people here why me.

"Because" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Because? " I pushed him to answer.

"Well your the only one I know in this school" he said his British accent like a melody to me.

"Well...well why are you talking to a complete nobody? " questioned the queen b, Marissa Black, Who used to be my best friend in kindergarten but after my mom's death she stopped talking to me.

Looked down at my worn out All stars even though I have money I still choose not to spend it and where baggy clothes and what not.
The money I save is either spent when I need new clothes which is once in a while and on Alana, oh and junk food.

"Umm... hi" he brought his hand out of his pocket to shake hers. She giggled. "I'm Elijah but you can call me, Eli" he said.

"Hey I'm Marissa and if i were you, I wouldn't be hanging around her" she pointed her manicured nail at me.

I looked away.

"But why? " he asked.

"Because, babe did she's the loner in school, girl who killed her mother" she said with a devilish she more plastered on her face.

"What are you talking about?" He asked shocked.

"Don't you know what she had done?" She asked with fake shock "that's usually the first thing heard from her and her dead mother" she said.

"Brooklyn what is she talking about?" He asked shocked at what she had said.

I kept quiet.
I didn't know what to say.

"Wow you can't even tell me what's wrong, maybe I was wrong about you" he said.

I looked in shock but then composed myself .
Why would he care about me it's me the wierdo and to think I could have at least one friend I thought to myself.

I walked away.

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя