chapter 16

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hey I just wanted to say that 'Lamees' is spelt like this 'Lamis' but pronounced the same.

Elijah and Brooklyn to the side, but Brooklyn has black hair


What do you do when you have no tears left when the world is after you,
where all you do is look up and stare into
oblivion, where life takes you by
the throat and causes you pain.

He stood there as if everything between us is alright, as if I forgave.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

I looked over at Lamis to see she was watching yet another Barbie movie.

"Lamis I'm going to the kitchen to start on supper and if you need me just come to the kitchen ok?" I asked as if saying will she be ok.

"okay" she shrugged.

I went over to the kitchen and started on supper, Nadine said that the kids weren't allowed to have pizza or take outs because they were unhealthy so I offered to cook, instead of making her waste her time to cook.

I pulled the ingredients out to make spaghetti and meatballs, with salad.

I started on the meatballs and spaghetti but was stopped by a hand while I was about to throw the spaghetti into the hot water.

"Please can we talk" he whispered.
Even though I am not talking to Elijah, I still had the butterflies and felt that electrifying feeling.
I pulled my hand away and ignored him.
I put the spaghetti in and started on the meatballs.

"Brook please" he begged.

"if you do not leave, then I will." I said "And as I remember correctly you weren't supposed to be here when I'm babysitting" I finished.

I heard a sigh and heard foot steps slowly fading.

"the party got cancelled, the guys parents took him on a vacation" he said

"when it's just a month and 3 weeks from when school started?" I questioned with my eyebrows raised.

"It's a weekend thing" he said raising his hands in surrender.

I gave him a flat look and was about to tell him something when I heard Noah crying.
I put everything down and went over to her and picked her up.
she was still tired as I could see but she was hungry.
I made her bottle and fed.
she looked adorable.
That kind of adorable where you want to pinch her chubby cheeks.
I looked up to see Elijah standing and looking at me in awe.
I looked away my cheeks burning.
But even though he has an effect on me, I still have to stay away from him.

I looked at Noah and saw she fell asleep while feeding her and then put her down in her cot.

I looked over to see Lamis fast asleep on the couch so I switched off the TV. and pulled a blanket over her body to keep warm and went back to the kitchen.
I finished off with what I had to do and then set the table.
I realized that Elijah got the point but I'm still waiting for something to happen.
Waiting for him to say that cheating on me was a good thing,
that I'm a mistake of a human
say that he love Marissa and that... that I'm a murderer...

Tears streamed down my face as the thought of my mother appeared in my head.
she always use to say stand tall even in your darkest moments. that was when I got bullied for the first time. She still hadn't explained to me the meaning I was just five I didn't understand but now I do but at the same time I don't

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora