My Dreams- Part 4: Character

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[Guess whos back, Bitches! 😝]

So, I just woke up, like 20 minutes ago, and I had a weird dream I wanted to make a character.

So, the one that I remember, and I never got any names, kind of, actually, looked like my science teacher. He had a stubbley beard, same kind of mustach, both connected, and he had kind of no hair. You could see the hairline, but he had, basically a buzz cut.

There was one distinguishing fact about him that I specifically remember...

He has like a ventilation chute thing, like the giant round tube made of what looks like aluminum foil, coming out of his back. It was kind of slanted upwards.

A bird was there too. It was a mechanical one, but it directed the chute to where it needed to go by hitting it.

Plot of the dream: [I dont remember much]

There was a wierd shaped lake model, and 4 or 5 unnamed characters discussing how to protect the lake from being polluted. There were manatees in it, I remember that 🥰.

Suddenly, the scene changed to a stage thingy, and there was a bigger guy in a chair who looked like an audience member, but he didn't say or do anything.

So something happened, and Chute Guy turned to MY left [👈] and
He shot the chute to MY right [👉].

It almost hit the model lake, kimd of like in a cartoon where they show you the thing and the thing it's about to be hit with. And them the bird swooped in, and for some reason, hitting the chute downwards makes it not hit something it's right above, so it went into the trash can/dumpster and dumped a bunch of trash in there.

It was quiet for a few seconds, but then my alarm rang... literally twice before I woke up.

Anyagay, the [maybe] next chapter will be the story of Chute Guy... obviously as Izuku, but I'll give you a choice.

Make a short story here


Make a whole book out of it, where the chute is his quirk and he can make anything come out of it that he puts in there. Basically like a magic portal holder. He also may or may not be a hoarder.

So, what do YOU think? 😁 Have a good day, my Moldy Fucks 😍❤️‍🔥!

Words: 402

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