My Dreams

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So, this is a bit of a different idea. I remember many of my dreams, and so I'll be recreating 3 of them into he next 3 chapters. Two of them I wake up in cold sweat, and the last one was just weird. Ok, ok. Onto the story now.


I was at home, but... something... was off... It didn't feel... real.

That's when I heard stomping from outside. I looked out to see a giant... tortoise?

It was in middle of our small cauldasac (?).

Al the surrounding houses had been crushed, it was only our family and house left. Somehow, me, my mom, my dad, and two siblings all fit under the coffee table.

Again, somehow, the tortoise lifted up our house and threw it over our backyard, to let it crash somewhere unknown.

We all huddled together and the tortoise picked up my mom.


I heard her screaming, but it was faint.

"MOM," I tried to scream, but it wouldn't come out of my throat.

Suddenly, I heard something. It was echoing g in the real but not real world. Everything froze.

I slowly woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm.

I sighed in relief that my family was all safe.

I love my dreams, I thought to myself as I got ready for school.

I wonder what today will bring...

End of My Dreams PART 1


Hey, thanks for reading, and I know this one was short. The next wo will be too, ok. Glad we got that cleared up! I sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was ag my dad's for Halloween, but I'll try ro post on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas eve, cuz dad has us then too. I love you guys so much, love to you all, my Moldy Fucks 😍❤️‍🔥!

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