My Dreams- Part 2

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Btw, I updated the chapter "I need help...". I changed the description, so I suggest you reread it if you already read it. Thanks, anyways, onto the story...

It was a normal class field trip... on top of a building in construction. The group was walking along one of the top scaffolding and enjoying the view of the city.

All of a sudden, something g caught the eye of Izuku Midoriya. He looked to his left and saw a UFO (unidentified flying object) coming straight for him.

His eyes widened in fear, and the class gasped.

The UFO crashed into the bottom of the building, and it wobbled.

It wobbled...

And wobbled...

Until finally, it stayed upright. The whole class collectively sighed.

"Well, it was good that the building didn't fall over~," Denki Kaminari said, leaning his elbow against the wall.

Noone knew what he was thinking, but the building began to collapse. Everyone jumped off... except Izuku.

He tried to stay on, but fell off, following his classmates. When he hit the ground, suddenly he was upright in his bed, sweating a bit.

He sighed and got ready for the day.

That was interesting... I wonder what it means... he thought.

The End of My Dreams PART 2

There will be one more part!

Words: 273

Hey, thanks for reading. I seriously need help choosing a story though, so if you don't mind going back 2 chapters and telling me which story you'd like to read next, that would be very helpful for me, so I can keep giving you guys stories you love. I love you,, my Moldy Fucks! 😍❤️‍🔥

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