Home Alone

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Izuku POV:

just woke up, and I heard banging. I looked at my alarm clock. Shsit, it was plugged in the night.

I heard the bang again, and again, and again...someone was in MY house, messing up MY shit! Oh, no, buddy, you've got another thing coming...

I tip toe downstairs to not alert whoever was down there.

I saw... the cop?

He was here yesterday to make sure our house was secure... it was... he made sure...

He was not checking on my house, that was for sure...

He... was...


Island overwhelmed clock above the door, and it read 12:47 pm.


I missed my plans ho efor the holidays. I was supposed to takeaway e out to Japan so I could spend Christmas with my mother... obviously not.

I took a pan out of the kitchen and whacked the guy on the head.

I felt like Rapunzel...


I threw him out, got him arrested, blah, blah, blah, I just need to get something out tonight or illfeelrealltguilty, jus pretend Even was Izuku, I love you Moldy Fucks 😍❤️‍🔥!

Have a happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!


Words: 196

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