Merman? - Part 3

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Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Izuku was very worn out from being out of the water so long, but the guards that picked him up brought him over to a pool, and dropped him in. 

Izuku immediately swam around in circles, obviously very happy to be in the water again.  He saw Queen Mitsuki, and swam to the surface to see her.

Once he saw her, he smiled brightly and giggled a little.  The queen cooed at him.

"Awwww, baby, you're so ADORABLE!" Queen Mitsuki shouted.

Izuku lowered his head so you could only see the top half of his face.

Katsuki walked out, and Izuju sunk into the water even norepinephrine (more*... what did autocorrect come up with?! 😱)

"Hey..." Katsuki started.  "I'm sorry for taking you here, I didn't know you're the prince.  But... J promise to leave the merfolk alone if you don't punish us."

"W-why would I p-punish you?  You've been really nice to me... n-nicer than anyone has i-in my life..."

"What?" Katsuki asked.

"U-um, I don't really wanna tell my whole life story to strangers, but, I can help you a bit..." Izuku told Katsuki.

"Oh?" Katsuki inquired 😌🤏☕️.

"Merfolk can take the form ov a human whan they're tails are completely dry to prevenf death..." Izuku explained. 

With that, Katsuki yanked Iziku out of the pool, and sat him on a towel.

"Um,just so you know, I've never transformed beforw, so I don't rsally know what to ex-... pect," Izukj paused while seeing his scales disappear and being replaced by skin.

Both boys watched in wonder as the skin crept up and up Izuku's thighs and as it got to his waist, Katsuki looked away.

He wrapped to boy up in the towel, and over the course of 10 months, got him accustomed to human tradition.

Izuku, of course, went back to see his mom a few times, and she explained that his neglectful father had passed, due to poaching.  For once, he was glad humans had killed a mermaid.

As the months and years passed, Jatsjkj and Izuku fell in love and ran the kingdom together.  They have eradicated merfolk poaching, and will have an heir to the throne in 5 months time.


Words: 385

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