Chapter Fifteen, Part Eight: ...Seeing Red...

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(Third Pov of John)

John stop!,”

Come on dude quit it!,”

John you're going to kill us if you don’t stop!,” 

John threw aside their comments, He knew they were wrong, he knew they were just going to destroy him, They were all just like the voice inside of his head that reminded him of what he was. He threw the blond male aside and then captured him in a barrier “John quit this nonsense!,” The blond yelled, John searched his memories trying to figure out what the blond’s name was but nothing came through his brain. John didn’t even know his name!, all he knew was that these people were out for him and he wasn’t going to have it.

There was only one person out of the group that he was attacking and he felt something for them. The magenta-haired female, Anytime he was close to her or would be about to attack her, his head would begin pounding making him stumble backward in pain it was like something told him to not touch her

John blocked an uppercut by the redhead before turning around to the golden male, perfectly aiming a kick toward him “Fucking dumbass…,” John grinned, catching his leg then throwing him toward the barrier Arlo was still trapped hitting it back first “Ugh..,” Isen groaned before turning toward Arlo “Figure what's wrong with him?,” Isen asked, his back still aching from him hitting the barrier back first “Likely that drug did something to cause this,” Arlo said “It could be a drug that makes him see us as the bad guys,” Arlo explained “And knowing John’s past…He’s probably relating us all to the voice inside of his head,” Arlo stopped “Isen look for the empty syringe maybe we could figure out how to stop him,” Arlo spoke, looking back toward the raven “I’ll figure out to get out of here,” Arlo said.

“John quit this madness, Its us!,” Remi exclaimed, She and John were head to head, Remi holding him back with her electroabilityy “Who the fuck is John,” John growled, kneeing Remi in thestomachh “Ack!,” Remi fell backward on her back “Thanks for the cool ability,” John smirked as he a small lighting bolt in hand “I’ll make sure to make your death SHOCKING!!,” John laughed raising his hand with a black and orange thunderbolt in hand before quickly dropping it towards the electro queen and then leading to a white flashing light.

John opened back his eyes, glancing over to where the pinkie had laid before John sent the lightning bolt. John’s eyes widen open, She wasn’t dead but her body was nowhere to be seen “What the fuck..,” John muttered, the raven glanced around the area before sensing an aura that he knew he wasn’t supposed to touch, “John..,” The raven quickly turns around, spotting the magenta female “What happened John, why are you doing this?,” She asked “I’m not fucking John I don’t even know who that is!,” The raven put his hands on his head “Yes you are..,” The magenta woman's eyes glow brighter as she quickly disappears and then reappears in front of him “Get away, Get away!!,” John threw a punch toward the female as she blocked him “John I don’t want to fight!,” The female pushed the raven back as she did, John wasn’t paying attention to his back before feeling a strong kick from him back “ACK,” John coughed slight blood as he fell to his knee looking back to see the golden male behind him, as he was getting up a female shadow came over him making him glance up to magenta female “End this John...This isn’t you,” The female spoke, John’s lowered his face “...I’m not FUCKING JOHN!,” John yelled elbowing the golden male in the gut making him fall then swiftly taking out the female’s feet making her fall backward. John quickly got up creating a barrier around the golden “John stop we can fix this!,” He said “Nothing will be fixed if you all are around,” John smirked, and then added lighting to the barrier “AHH!,” The golden yelled in pain as John watched with an evil smile “YOU PSYCHO!,” A voice yelled as John looked up to see the redhead coming his way with a fist “FUCKING LET HIM GO!,” He yelled throwing the punch as John quickly moved to the side then throwing him to ground hard, soon placing him in the same spot the gold was in

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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