"Maybe later." I nodded and Stefan was gone.

When they noticed him with a guitar, they were immediately excited. He sat down next to Lexi, his twin, and Destiny across from him, and after tuning his guitar, he began to play.

A familiar tune engulfed the silence around me, and seeing them all like this, singing and having fun, made me feel like I'd been missing out on something my whole life.

And that hurt.

"Are we singing so fake that you have to hide from us?" I asked Finn with a smile when I finally found him after ten minutes of searching, sitting by the lake

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"Are we singing so fake that you have to hide from us?" I asked Finn with a smile when I finally found him after ten minutes of searching, sitting by the lake. I slowly walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Sounds better when you're away." He laughed.

"You can hardly hear it here." I frowned.


"Idiot." I playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Why didn't you join us? I could see you wanted to. What kept you away?" I pulled my knees to my chest, rested my head on them, and kept my eyes on Finn.

"I didn't mean to spoil it for you." He said looking at the surface of the lake reflecting the night sky.

"Why would you spoil something?"

"Because that's what I do." He raised his shoulder. "Wherever I go."

"That can't be true, Finn."

"Tell me, Lexi..." He turned to me and I was suddenly covered in sweat. "Why did you kiss me?"



He wants to talk about that now. Now!

"Um, I..." I hugged myself and looked away from him. "Because I wanted to?" It was a question, but I didn't expect, nor did I want, an answer.

"Ah. So that's why you didn't kiss me again? Because you didn't want to. Got it."

"What no." I looked at him horrified. "I didn't mean it that way. Of course I wanted to, I was just afraid that it wasn't what you wanted. Especially when you didn't say anything about it the next day. I thought maybe you wanted to forget about it. I like you, and if you just want to be friends, I understand, but it's not...why are you laughing? It's not funny." I hit him again as he started laughing while I was slowly breaking down from my nerves.

"Sorry, sunshine." He put his hand over his mouth and tried to calm himself down. "I just find it funny that you thought I didn't want to kiss you again. Especially when all I think about all day is you and your addictive lips."

"What?" My voice broke.

"You know what's even funnier? That you have no idea how I feel about you. Sometimes it's cute, but sometimes I want to shoot myself right between the eyes." He put a finger between his eyes, just above his nose.

His challenge #3Where stories live. Discover now