Chapter 6: Preparing for a fight.

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That night, when Hestia went to bed, Y/n wrote a letter saying he's going to blow off some steam in the dungeon and would be back soon. But that was not the case, Y/n planned to level up till he was at least level 300, but that was a long way to go currently being Level 227. There is one way Y/n knew how to get a lot of EXP, but it will be difficult. During his last exploration with Mio's party, Y/n was met with another dungeon from Solo Levelling. He hasn't had the time to explore it due to how busy it was and being around others. But tonight, he is gonna change that.

He went straight back to the dungeon, using 'Shadow Step' to get to the 11th floor. Seeing a pack of Dire Wolfs in front of him, using his Haki, he can tell that there are no other adventurers are nearby. "Listen here you mutts, I'm in a bit of a rush. So, forgive me if I don't play around, I need the experience." Y/n's says to the wolfs as his shadows start to for around him. "Kill them all, leave not a single one alive." He ordered and without hesitation Ignis and the knights begun the slaughter. Y/n then begun going from floor to floor, slaughtering all monsters in his wake. Floors 11 to 13 were wolf's, 14 to 16 were Rabbits and 17 to 19 are Dire Bulls. A type of bull with fur around their necks like a lions main. Their horns were longer and sharper than regular bulls.

Fighting all these strong foes were draining Y/n's reserves, his stamina, HP, and MP were all running low. Y/n had to constantly drink potions to keep himself up, especially MP as his shadows rely on it. During his exploration, he got another slaying quest for the bulls, it was the same as the others. He managed to get halfway through the quest before he made it to the 18th floor were the key would open the Dungeon he seek. Using the key in the wall, the door opened and without hesitation he walked through. Y/n was then met with a completely barren dessert, which Y/n recognised. "Isn't this the punishment dungeon Sung Woo was taken too when he failed to do his daily quest? If that is the case isn't there giant centipedes around here-."


The moment Y/n thought that the dunes started to shift, a loud screech echoed around him before the sand exploded. Out of the dust cloud that formed, giant centipedes emerged. "OH SHIT!" Y/n quickly dodged with more and more of them rising from the sand. "IGNIS!" He called out as he summoned his solders. "Kill them all!" Y/n orders as the shadow knights materialized around him, their dark forms flickering to life. As the giant centipedes surged forward, their grotesque bodies glistening under the desert sun.

The sand beneath Y/n's feet shifted and churned as the centipedes charged, their many legs creating a nightmarish symphony of clicks and scuttles. With Ignis leading the charge, his blade slashing through the air with deadly precision. Just managing to cut their hard exoskeletons as the others had the same issue. "Their armour is tough." Y/n says to himself as he uses 'Phantom Blade' 'Sharpening' and 'Armament' in tandem. With the bonus from his Knight title, it allowed him to deal more damage against their armour and manage to kill them easier.

Y/n's eyes glinted with determination as he moved with fluid grace. His movements were a blend of martial prowess and dark magic. With a swift gesture of his hand, tendrils of shadow shot out, ensnaring centipedes, and immobilizing them. Then, with his sword held high, he struck down with a fierce overhead swing, cleaving through the monsters with a spray of ichor.

But the centipedes were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. Y/n could feel their venomous mandibles snapping dangerously close to him, and he had to rely on his reflexes and Haki to avoid getting caught in their deadly embrace. Ignis and the shadow knights fought valiantly, each strike a testament to their loyalty and strength.

As the battle raged on, Y/n's mana began to wane. He knew he couldn't keep up this pace forever. He focused his energy on maximizing the efficiency of his attacks. But the centipedes weren't the only threat. Some of them spat globs of corrosive venom, forcing Y/n to use his shadows as makeshift shields. He deflected the acidic projectiles, his movements becoming more calculated as he assessed each threat.

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