Chapter 3 Ignis

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Y/n stood before the imposing doors leading to the throne room. The air around him felt heavy with tension, and his heart pounded in his chest. Without hesitating, he pushed open the doors, revealing a dark and foreboding chamber beyond.

As he stepped inside, the doors slammed shut behind him, leaving Y/n with no way to retreat. The room was dimly lit, and his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings. At the far end of the chamber, next to an empty throne, a figure stood tall and motionless—the fearsome Ignis.

Ignis was clad in dark red armour that seemed to absorb all light around it. His ethereal blue eyes locked onto Y/n, a malevolent aura emanating from him. The room felt suffocating as if the very air was heavy with malice. Using 'Observed' on him, breaking a sweat as he saw his stats.

 Using 'Observed' on him, breaking a sweat as he saw his stats

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Name: Ignis

Level: 200

Race: Possessed Knight

Rank: D

HP: 50,000

STR: 1,200

AGI: 1,000

INT: 800

VIT: 1,200

WIS: 600

CHA: 400

Y/n gulped; he knew the strength Ignis had was immense. He knew It would take a lot more than what he has been doing now to take him down. Both him and Ignis stared each other down, with Y/n drawing the Umbra blade,  and Ignis drawing his own blade. Then with a burst of speed Y/n barely had time to block Ignis' strike. The strength behind it sent Y/n flying back, struggling to gain his footing as they begun to clash blades.

Their swords clashed with a resounding clang, sparks flying in all directions. Y/n's strength was impressive, but Ignis seemed to possess an otherworldly power. Each strike from Ignis was like a tidal wave of force, and Y/n found himself on the defensive, trying to parry the relentless onslaught.

Y/n's Haki proved to be his saving grace as he was able to evade Ignis' powerful swings and retaliated with his own strikes. The Umbra Blade glowed with dark energy as it cut through the air, but Ignis' armour was formidable, and his attacks seemed to have little effect. As the battle raged on, Y/n's determination only grew stronger. He knew he couldn't afford to back down now. Ignis was a formidable opponent, but Y/n had faced challenges before and emerged victorious. With a burst of speed, Y/n executed a series of lightning-fast slashes, aiming for Ignis' weak spots.

Ignis countered with a blast of fiery energy, forcing Y/n to leap backward to avoid the attack. The room was filled with the crackling of their swords, the sound of metal-on-metal echoing in the chamber.

Y/n's mind raced as he analysed Ignis' movements and searched for an opening. He knew he had to be smart and strategic if he wanted to defeat this powerful foe. Ignis seemed to anticipate his every move, but Y/n refused to give up.

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