I'm Dead!

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Y/n L/n, an ordinary 18-year-old, woke up to the rays of sunlight filtering through his window, casting a warm glow on his room. It was a momentous day for him as he had just graduated from college, and today marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Today, he was headed for a job interview that he hoped would kickstart his career. With a sense of excitement and nerves coiling in his stomach, Y/n got ready, meticulously choosing his attire to make a good impression. His family wished him luck, and with their support behind him, he set off on his journey to the job interview.

But fate had other plans in store. As Y/n crossed the street, a sudden screech of tires and a deafening crash filled the air. An out-of-control truck, its driver's attention taken by a strange occurrence in the sky, barrelled towards him, leaving him no time to react. In an instant, everything turned to chaos. The truck collided with Y/n, and the world around him faded into darkness. His life was cut short, and his soul found itself wandering in the void, confused and scared, not knowing where it was or what had happened.

Amidst the darkness, a radiant light broke through, illuminating Y/n's disoriented soul. Before him stood a being made of pure light with a gentle, feminine presence. Her ethereal form exuded a sense of compassion and regret.

"I am so sorry, my child." It spoke, her voice filled with apologetic sincerity. "W-where am I, what happened, who are you?!" Y/n's soul said panicking about what was happening. "I am the Overseer, and I am sorry to say this, but you have unfortunately passed. Your death was a mistake, an unforeseen event that was not supposed to happen. Please accept my sincerest apologies for this unfortunate turn of events."

Y/n's soul trembled, unable to comprehend what was happening. "I-I'm dead..." The Overseer extended a comforting hand. "Yes, I'm sorry, but I don't come baring just bad news. I am here to give you a choice. You can move on to the afterlife, to a place of peace and tranquillity, or you can be granted a second chance at life. A life much different from your own, a place filled with magic and wonder. Where I will also grant you wishes as a form of apology. The decision is yours."

Y/n took a moment to gather his thoughts, and then he spoke with resolve, "I... I want to be reincarnated. I will take the second chance at life." The Overseer smiled gently at his decision. "Very well, Y/n. As I said, I shall grant you a few wishes before you are reborn into this new world. Choose wisely, for these wishes will shape your new life." Y/n pondered, his mind racing with possibilities. After careful consideration, he then told the Overseer his wishes.

"For my first wish, I want to be reincarnated into a world that is a cross from different anime's. The anime's being Danmachi, High school DxD, Testament Sister Devil and One Piece. Combine them into a grand tapestry of worlds."

The Overseer nodded, acknowledging Y/n's desire for a diverse and vibrant world to explore. "Your wish shall be granted, Y/n. Your new life will unfold in the amalgamation of these anime worlds, a place of both beauty and peril."

"For my second wish, I want to possess the powers of the Shadow Monarch," Y/n continued. "To wield the shadows as my own, just like Sung Jin-Woo from 'Solo Levelling.'" The Overseer's radiant form shimmered with a hint of caution. "The powers of the Shadow Monarch are immense and profound. I shall grant your wish but be aware that the full extent of these powers will be locked until you reach certain requirements. As you grow stronger, the Shadow Monarch's abilities will be unveiled." Y/n nodded, accepting the limitations placed upon the mighty powers he sought.

"For my third wish, I want a gaming system to aid me on my journey. A system that helps me track my progress, grants me quests and challenges, and enhances my abilities as I level up." The Overseer's gentle smile grew wider. "A gaming system it shall be. Your journey shall be accompanied by a unique interface, guiding you through quests and recording your achievements. The system will be your constant companion, helping you grow stronger with each step. Your system will be different than that the ones the Familia uses." She explained before Y/n continued.

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