°~ Chapter Sixteen ~°

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"Remi, while you're here, would you mind a few extra measurements? I wanted to double-check some numbers."

"Sure," said Remi, though he didn't move right away. He seemed to be thinking about something, or in this case someone. 

Standing just shy of a foot or so from her, Juliet felt a chill run up her spine when she realized that a shadow had come to stand next to her.

A tall one.

"Are you alright?" Remi asked, and he waited patiently as she struggled to get the words out.

"I-I'm fine... I-It's not the first time that's h-h-happened." She replied.

She didn't look at him, but she heard him snort and realized that something she'd said had amused him. She almost wanted to turn and ask him what, but she just knew she'd see his face, so close... and probably faint from the excitement of it.

She'd never get used to the idea that he was right there. Nearby.

"You had me thinking you had a speech impediment before. Glad to see you're starting to form words now."

He walked away before she had a chance to retort, though she doubted she could have said anything that would have been any more clever than a stutter.

It's not that I can't talk...

It's just hard when I know you are listening, Remi.

Juliet didn't want to say something that would make her sound stupid, and yet that seemed to be the only way she could communicate with him.

I've got it bad, she thought, pulling a pin out of the male dummy before her.

Goodness, I've got to get a hold of myself.

"Oh, look at you..." She heard Bree say from somewhere nearby. He came to lean on a table near her. "Here only a few days and already you've got Remi himself talkin' to you."

"No I don't," she replied. "He was just being nice."

"Not what it looked like to me," he said. "And I'm RARELY ever wrong."

"Leave her alone Bree. You're scaring her," said Amber. "Besides, we need some more black thread. Lily's on the last roll."

"And another hat," said Beatriz, tossing a fedora on the table. "This one's not gonna cut it."

"Oh fine!" Bree said, leaving Juliet. "Ruin my fun!"

They're nosy.

I'm not sure I'm going to like
this place.

I wonder how Julian's fairing. If that girl really is the one he was avoiding... then...

Juliet suddenly stiffened, as she realized the significance of the roles they were playing.

Lydia is going to play the role of Cooper, and Julian is Oliver.

They are supposed to be old friends in the film... Then that means they're going to be around each other a lot.

Poor Julian.

It's only been a week on set, and already the drama has started.

This is why I HATE being around people.

Can't everyone just... get along?


"I'm not doing it." Juliet growled.

Though she was tempted to say otherwise when she noticed her brother actually get on his knees, hands clasped and eyes begging.

Wow... he's desperate. Is she that bad?

"PLEASE Juliet! Please! Just for an hour or so. Remi and I need the practice."

"And I need the solitude. You think it's easy recuperating after being around so many..." she shuddered, "...people. Introverts need time alone."

"And WE need an actress that doesn't flip out every time she says a line wrong. Yesterday Lydia actually DEMANDED that we change the script so she'd have an easier time saying one of the lines.

"And Daniel hasn't even THOUGHT of booting her out yet! Can you believe that! It's... ridiculous."

Yeah, it is... Juliet thought, a little befuddled.

Daniel isn't the sort of person to put up with a difficult person for too long.

Why is he trying to make it work with Lydia?

He can't be THAT desperate for an actress... Can he?

Not here in Hollywood.


"But Juliet!"

She sighed. "Even if I said yes, what makes you think I could actually pull it off with Remi around. You've seen me. I'm a mess when he's in the room. I can't concentrate on anything else."

"But you won't be YOU. You'll be Cooper."

"Logic Julian. I know there's some in there somewhere."

"But that is logic. When we were kids, you used to be pretty good at immersing yourself into a role."

"That's only because I was around you. Add someone else into the mix, and I could never concentrate."

"Well, you'll have to try. Remi will be here any minute."

"Wait... WHAT! He's coming here AGAIN!?"

"Yeah. Why not?"

"I already TOLD you not to bring guests over here-"

"Oh come on, don't pretend you don't like having him over. And besides, if you can learn to interact with him, you can learn to interact with anyone. It's healthy for you to talk to people other than me and Daniel."

"Then why do I keep feeling sicker the more I have to?" Juliet growled.

Her brother shrugged. "Burning out the toxins, maybe?"

"This isn't a weight loss show, Julian!"

Just then they could hear the sound of the bell tolling from the front door. It was a sound rather unfamiliar to the two of them, they only ever heard it when Daniel made a rare appearance at their condo.

"That must be him! Oh yeah, before I let him in, do you think you can make that Pineapple Pork you made the other day. He's a big fan of pineapple."


Juliet filed that away in the back of her mind.

By the time she'd realized the rest of his statement, Julian was already opening the door and letting Remi in.

"You didn't have any problems parking, did you?" he asked to be polite.

Juliet stiffened.

Goodness... He's so tall!

The top of his head was practically at the top of the doorframe.

How did I not notice that before?

"Nah, there was space," he said, taking off his coat. Julian quickly took it and put it in the coat closet next to him.

Remi then noticed Juliet, and he smiled, and it nearly killed her.

Oh, my dear heart.

"Good Afternoon Juliet. How are you?"


"I best set her somewhere so she can recharge. Otherwise she'll be stuck on that loop for a while," Julian said, quickly coming over and tugging Juliet into her room.

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