~° Chapter Fifteen °~

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For a moment, all attention were drawn away from Lydia and Juliet, when Beatriz began tapping her foot, rather loudly.

"As much as I'd love to know what thought process led you to think Juliet here is going to steal your beloved Julian by LOOKING like him," said Beatriz.

"But honestly speaking, your explanation would only waste my time and I got a schedule to keep. Come along Lydia, we've got to get you measured."

Beatriz grabbed Lydia's arm, but the young Actress quickly flung her off.

"Don't touch me! Don't you EVER touch me," she snapped. "I could have you sued for battery you know. I could! This is NO way to treat an Actress!"

"I wouldn't call you an Actress. Not with that behaviour." A voice said from somewhere nearby.

Juliet knew that voice without having to look, and sure enough she noticed Remi standing in the crowd of other cast and crew members that had gathered to watch the argument ensue in the Costume department. He stood nearly a full head over everyone else.

Why do you have to be so tall?

Lydia hissed at him like a cat. "Why are you here? You quit!"

"And now I know you DIDN'T check the cast list for this film. Not very professional Lydia."

"Says the person that quit showbiz and is now here trying to make a comeback!"

"Wow, impressive retort. You've gotten better at this."

Juliet wasn't sure what she was seeing. Remi, usually kind and polite, was dishing out insults like he was the protagonist of a drama! She'd never expected him to act like this in real life. She felt a chill and had to bite back a smile.

I'm seeing a new aspect of the Remi that I didn't know was there. I'm seeing more of his character.

This is truly awesome.

"Where's Daniel!? Daniel!"

"Present," said Daniel from the crowd. He came ambling into the Costume Department area, and smiled at her.

"Only here five minutes and already starting a scandal. Lydia, I believe we talked about this."

"You didn't tell me he'd be here," she pointed accusingly at Remi, who had now come to stand in the Costume Department area with the rest of them. "Or someone like HER! Don't you see the resemblance!? I'm NOT crazy!"

"No, there's a resemblance there," said Daniel, glancing at Juliet's direction, who glared back at him

DON'T say it.

I'm warning you, Daniel!

Don't say ANYTHING.

"I assure you there's no relation between the two. She's just lucky to look kind of like him."

Yeah, KIND of.

"NO one looks that much like him! LOOK at her eyes! They've got the same EYES!"

"Big deal," said Remi, shrugging. "There's millions of people in the world. You don't think some of them look the same. I mean, look at how many Elvis impersonators there are in the world."

"I'm a fan of the Michael Jackson ones myself." Beatriz felt like adding.

"The point is Lydia, that you're raising a fuss over nothing. If Juliet was a copycat of him, I'm sure she would have attempted something on him by now, considering they are both on the same set. And she hasn't.

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