~° Chapter One °~

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The sound of screeching voices filled the air outside the bustling movie theatre. Amidst the chaos, an overly-excited teen couldn't contain her enthusiasm any longer.

"Oh my word! He is so HOT!" she exclaimed, gazing longingly at the handsome actor on the poster. "I wish I could just KEEP him," she continued, her voice dripping with desire. "Do you think I'd get arrested if I kidnapped him?"

One of her friends, on the right, laughed nervously, unsure if her companion was serious or not. Though seeing the passion and obsession in the girl's eyes was palpable, the friend knew she truly believed that capturing this Hollywood heartthrob was a viable option.

As the spectacle unfolded before them, passersby couldn't help but stop and stare, wondering what kind of fanatical fandom could inspire such a bold declaration.

Kidnapping a celebrity? Yes.

Yes you would.

Another voice chimed in, "Oh, invite me over when you do! I can only imagine how handsome he must be in person." The anticipation and excitement could be heard in their voices as they imagined the possibility of meeting this attractive person.

In my opinion, I wouldn't exactly call him a catch or even go as far as describe him as remarkable in any way.

His physique. Average at best.

His personality. Fairly annoying.

And lastly, he's not the kind of person that would be considered "boyfriend" material if you ask me.

Whispers of awe circled around the group as they discussed the rumored features of the mysterious stranger. "I hear his eyes are hazel," one girl exclaimed.

"And they have the ability to change from blue to green depending on his mood! Isn't that hot?" Another voice spoke out as the image of such a captivating gaze caused hearts to flutter and cheeks to flush.

Okay, NOW you're just being ridiculous.

Juliet's gaze landed on the group of girls in front of her, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disgust.

The girls, who couldn't have been more than fifteen or sixteen years old, were dressed in skimpy summer attire that left little to the imagination. Their bronzed skin glistened under the California sun, and it made Juliet visibly uncomfortable.

What ever happened to the concept of modesty in fashion?

Why has it become a trend for girls to wear increasingly smaller and more revealing clothing, with a heftier price tag attached?

Guess I'm just an old fashioned girl.

As she thought this, she stood there, from a distance, and reviewed the poster they were staring at.

The glossy printed poster boasted a striking image from the latest blockbuster movie, "To Die in Your Arms". The romantic film had captured the attention of the girls, who were now buzzing and discussing it with almost an obsessive fervor.

They couldn't resist getting swept up in the romance and drama depicted on the paper canvas as some even fantasized about their own love stories coming to life.

Seeming to come to life and draw anyone who passed by, the bright colors and mesmerizing graphics on the poster were fresh and vibrant, despite being taped on the walls for weeks.

The poster was covered in a mosaic of faces, but the one that caught their attention was a young man with a dazzling crooked smile. He was none other than Julian Harper, the rising star of Hollywood.

The group gushed and fawned over his handsome face, as if he was standing right there in front of them. At only twenty years old, Julian exuded a youthful energy that was hard to ignore.

His spiked short hair, with its trendy blonde tips, was reminiscent of the iconic styles favoured by boy bands of the past. And yet, it still managed to look fresh and modern.

A smug smile graced his full lips, drawing attention to their plumpness. But it was his sharp eyes and long lashes that really captured the hearts of girls, causing them to go wild with desire.

They sparkled like emeralds in the sunlight, framed by thick, dark lashes that seemed to go on forever. His lips were equally alluring, with a naturally pout that made it hard to resist wanting to kiss them.

As Juliet stared at the poster and the girls, she couldn't help but think that they needed to get their eyes checked.

He's not even that tall, she mused as she left the obsessive girls to their... Obsessing.

And you would not WANT to see how he keeps his room.

Total deal-breaker there.

She continued down the sidewalk she usually took home, a pair of grocery bags in hand, and pondered how she had managed to go from living in a rural area near Dallas Texas, to suddenly being in the heart of HollyWood California.

With her arms straining and sweat forming on her brows under the weight of two overstuffed grocery bags, Juliet trudged down the cracked, familiar sidewalk that led her home.

The bustling streets of Hollywood, California surrounded her now, a stark contrast from her rural upbringing near Dallas, Texas. Tall buildings and bright lights towered over her, casting a glow on the busy crowds that rushed by.

The contrast between her old and new surroundings was stark, like night and day. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed in such a short amount of time. It was also a bit overwhelming for her.

I mean, back home, we had to WALK to find a neighbor. Here, we're practically throwing them off.

As she turned into the electronic rolling doors of one of the most expensive condos in Hollywood, that parted with a  soft hiss, she couldn't help but feel like a tiny ant exploring a bustling colony.

The immaculate entrance exuded luxury, with its glittering chandeliers overhead, and with the warm rays of sunlight filtering in through the he glass doors, it casted a golden glow on the polished marble floors. She took a moment to observe the grandeur all over again.

It was times like these that made her realize just how small she was in this vast world of wealth and privilege. Yet, she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand - heading for the elevator.

Walking past the entrance, the stiff posture of the tall stoic man that stood there relaxed as he greeted her with a slight nod.

"Good morning, Ma'am," he said politely, his voice deep and smooth with years of experience, giving it an air of formality. Stopping in her tracks, Juliet nodded in acknowledgement to the doorman.

Upon making her way inside, the warm rays of sunlight filtered in through the glass doors, casting a golden glow on the polished marble floors.

Though they had never spoken, he always made an effort to notice her comings and goings with a kind greeting, though she preferred to keep to herself.

"Has your day kicked off with a good start?" He asked, his eyes widened with genuine curiosity as he waited for her response.

Juliet's shoulders lifted and slumped in a quick nonchalant motion, her go-to reaction when faced with a conversation she was trying to avoid.

Hoping to escape any further conversation, she excused herself, and quickly made her way to the lobby, where the cool air of the aircon embraced her, a welcome respite from the scorching heat outside.


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