~° Chapter Nine °~

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Finally away from Remi, she was able to relax a little, but doing so almost made her collapse.

Remi Lockhart is in my house. He was just right there.

Just a few feet away.

Oh my word... Remi was near the bookcase...

And my ROOM!

If he even so much as turned and  looked at either of us, I honestly think I'd DIE of embarrassment.

Please don't look.

PLEASE don't look!

"Okay, let me have it," Julian said, coming into her room and closing the door behind him.

Taking deep breaths through her nostrils, Juliet glared at him, clutching the fabric of her dark skirt so she wouldn't strangle him.

"What were you thinking bringing him here? You know what I said about guests-"

"Yeah I know..." Julian said, looking downcast. "You don't like having guests over because they invade your space. I know... But I figured you'd be okay with it if I brought Remi over. You know, over anyone else.

"And I also thought you might forgive me for teasing you earlier if I set up an opportunity for you to chat with him without anyone else around to bother you. I know you've always wanted to talk to him, since we were little kids..."

"A warning would have been nice," Juliet grounded out.

"Yeah, about that, I'm sorry. I was going to text you but then I got distracted when Lucas went on about a few new gigs that came up. And I figured if Remi was here, you wouldn't beat me up... so..."

"You're horrible and you're stupid..."

Julian chuckled and carded a hand through his wild blonde spiked hair. "Yeah, I know. By the way, Juliet, I had another reason for bringing him here."

Juliet narrowed her eyes. "I get the feeling I'm going to regret asking you this... So what is it?"

"Well, he was having trouble today when we were doing the script reading. He hasn't been on the big screen in at least ten years, and believe me, he hasn't lost the gift -- but he's a little rusty.

"He wanted a chance to practice the lines before tomorrow's lineup, and I figured I'd be the best candidate since we're both sharing the big screen. I was also hoping you might be able to help us read the girl parts... Like Cooper's..."

"No, I am drawing a line RIGHT

"What? Why?"

"No!" Julianne said for the third time. "Stop insisting. I will not help you."

"But Julianne, he really needs the help."

"Have you forgotten, Julian, I don't act. That's your area, not mine."

"But you used to, when we were little!"

"Emphasis on little. And that was only around you. Whenever you guys put on a neighbourhood performance I was behind the stage, remember?"

"But it's not that hard. And you're really good at it!"

"Nice try, but no. Not doing it. Besides, someone has to make dinner. And I don't trust you around a stove. Or spices, for that matter."

"But Juliet..." He whined, but she was already walking to the door.

"No, and that's FINAL!"

She exited the room and didn't bother looking at the living room as she made her way to the kitchen. Julian came out after her, chuckled, and walked into the living room.

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