°~ Chapter Four ~°

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"So they weren't lying? He actually accepted the part?" Juliet asked, following her brother as he attempted to get to the living room.

Julian swatted her away like she was some sort of fly, and plopped down on the couch. "Amazingly, yes. Didn't even have to convince him, and Daniel was certain he'd have to beg."

"Did he come to the studio? Did you get to meet him in person? What was he like? Is he really as tall as they say-"

"Juliet. I just got home. Sit."

Juliet realized then that she was being a little too eager, so she backed away from him and took a seat on the other side of the couch while he caught his breath.

Julian took a moment to scroll through channels, empty his pockets onto the side table next to him, and remove his socks, before finally briefing her on what she wanted to know.

"No, I didn't get to meet him. Daniel hasn't either, but he did send the paperwork out to Remi and he got it back, signed just this morning. The first cast meeting is going to be next week, and I'll have a chance to meet him then. Happy now?"

Juliet nodded, but she still couldn't contain her excitement.

"I can't wait to see how he'll portray Logan. You've already arranged seats at the test-showing right?"

Julian nodded. "Yes, Daniel took care of that for you last week, though we still don't know where we'll do it yet."

"And the Costume Designer. Has that already been decided?"

"Yes, most of the crew is already on board."

"How about-"


She paused, and then frowned.

"I know, I know. Too much."

"I hear this stuff all day every day from Lucas," he said, referring to his manager. "I just got home. Let me rest!"

Juliet fumbled over what to talk about next, but anything she wanted to bring up was work related for him, so she settled for continuing dinner from where she'd started it.

While she worked, Julian flipped channels until he'd landed on a political talk show that had him laughing.

For a while she floated in the kitchen, still delighted by the fact that her favourite actor was going to portray the lead from her favourite book, when Julian came into the kitchen to grab some lemonade.

"You're really happy about all of this, huh?" He asked, pulling a glass down from a cabinet above the fridge.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? I mean, this man is coming back out of acting to play a part we were certain he was going to turn down," she said. "Right now, nothing could make me happier."

"Well, I do have one thing. But that's a decision that depends on you." Julian replied, hopping up to sit on the counter.

Juliet narrowed her eyes at his action, as he was no doubt contaminating her work space with whatever had attached itself to his jeans, but let it slide since she was still in a good mood.

"And what is that?"

"Well, Daniel and I were talking, and we thought it would be a good idea for you to come on set for a while. Work as an intern. What do you think?"

Juliet paused.

Work there... as an intern?

Around all of those... Celebrities?

She could barely stomach the people in the lobby of this building, much less working with such flamboyant and beautiful people every day.

And then there was Remi...

How would I get any work done in a day with him there to distract me?

"Why would Daniel want me there? I'll just get in the way," she replied, frowning.

Julian took a sip of his lemonade before he answered. "Well, he'd like to see you for more than just an hour at a cafe for one." Julian stated, which only served to jab a little knife in her side.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see Daniel.

It was just that public places made her nervous and Daniel never wanted to come to their condo. She secretly figured he was trying to get her accustomed to people, insisting they sit at restaurants during their visits.

"And you could get out of here for a while, be around other people. It would be good for you, you know, to interact with more than just me in a day.

"And frankly I'd like to see you more than just the few hours here and there that I get to spend at home. We don't even hang on weekends like we used to because Lucas packs my schedule so tight."

Well, there was that.

She was feeling a little lonely with Julian gone most of the time. And really, the condo was getting kind of boring.

There was only so many things she could clean, vacuum, and fold in a day and then the rest of it was trying to watch TV or do something creative with her time, like sewing.

But then she realized that if she went to a set like that, people would start to ask her questions, and she wasn't that interested in giving answers. Her life was a very private one, and so she wasn't interested in anyone prying into it.

"And, the big one, the bonus," Julian said, adding pause for effect. "You would get a chance to meet your favourite actor, in person, every day he's scheduled.

"Who knows, you might even become his best friend in the whole world! How does that sound?"

Juliet could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

Daily conversations with the man...

A chance to discuss his previous roles, and his interests...

A chance to meet him and just see if the person on TV was the person she met...

Julian had her in a corner and she couldn't escape. It was too good an offer to pass up.

"Daniel... wouldn't mind me there?" She asked quietly, pausing between cutting an onion into little bits.

Julian gave no expression. "Really Juliet? Really? That's the big concern here? Of course he wouldn't mind you being there. You're his daughter for crying out loud. That's like asking if he minds me being there."

"But you work there," Juliet added, pouting.

"Yeah, and if you start as an intern there, you will too. Come on Juliet, come work on set. I know you're dying to. Just like me, you want to see this movie blow people's minds. Please say you'll come help on set."

It really wasn't a bad idea, Juliet thought, as she continued cutting that onion.

After all, she could go for a little while, and if it wasn't working out, she could quit. She was just an intern, it wasn't like she was getting paid.

And again, I could meet Remi.

Yeah. Why not?

"On one condition," she told Julian, and he looked at her with questioning eyes.

"I knew there would be one. What is it?"

"No one on that set can know you and I are related. If the paparazzi found out about us, they'd have a field day."

"True. I mean, I haven't mentioned a word about having a sister until now. It would be  strange to suddenly introduce you on set. Though I can't guarantee someone won't somehow find out. I mean, our faces are very similar. Right?"

Juliet reviewed his strengthening jawline, and his sharp eyes, and smiled.

Yeah, right.

Maybe to the two of them they were similar, but when placed in front of others, with his classy modern style and her homespun conservative dress, there wasn't a person alive that would ever say they looked similar.


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