~° Chapter Seven °~

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By the time she left the office and back on the set where they all met Daniel, Mr. Cavanaugh and the other interns were already gone. She sighed, knowing full well she'd have to wander around and find them.


"If you're looking for the interns, they went that way," said a male voice from somewhere nearby.

At first she didn't realize he was talking to her, until a hand patted her on the shoulder.

She flinched and whirled, ready to bat the unwanted contact away, when she realized the person standing just behind her was someone she'd seen in the lighting crew already.

What was his name again...

Steve... Sid...

"Stan." He said, pointed at himself. "And your name?"

"Ju... Juliet." She mumbled out. With Julian or Daniel, she could openly speak her mind and had little trouble. With others, she always grew incredibly nervous.

"Juliet, mind if I call you Jules."

Juliet felt her face grow hot. "No. Juliet is my name, so call me Juliet."

She was so startled, her voice had come across relatively forceful. She tried to calm herself by patting her chest, but the damage had already been done. Her heart was raring to break free.

"Okay, Juliet it is then." He said, grinning.

She hadn't looked at him closely before, but now that she was, she was starting to see that he had a boyish charm to him. His cheeks had dimples, and his eyes were incredibly bright.

Attractive... Juliet thought quietly.

I bet he's popular with the girls.

"So, Juliet, I can take you to Mr. Cavanaugh if you like. I know this place can be pretty hectic-"

"I think I can find him myself," Juliet sputtered, taking a large step away from him. "Where?"

He blinked at her in confusion for a moment, before pointing in the direction he had before. "That way. Back to the intern office. He was going to start issuing assignments I think."

Juliet nodded and quickly
turned, muttering a thank you as she quickly rushed to catch up with the interns.

What a nice, good looking man.

If only he hadn't called me Jules, the conversation probably would have gone better.

No one has called me Jules since...

She shook her head and decided not to think about it.

Juliet passed a series of other crew members on her way back to the intern office. She wandered around for some time, maybe ten minutes, before she had to admit to herself that she was officially lost.

She was now in a part of the building that she hadn't seen before, and the people passing around her didn't look familiar at all.

Leave it to me to get lost on the first day, Juliet mused to herself.

I wonder if they'll send out a search party.

For me? Yeah right.

She paused in her walk, for a moment debating on her next action.

I could text Julian for help, but then again that might end in trouble later if people see me talking to him.

Though, if I don't ask someone for directions, or get SOME help, I think I'll only get more lost.

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