c h a p t e r . t w e l v e

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"No Vincent today?" I quirked a brow at Eugene who leaned on the same black car that he drove to pick me up every day this week.

"Nope," he smirked, opening the passenger side for me. I refused to sit in the back like he was some chauffeur. I like Eugene. I huffed, plopping myself into the seat.

Reign has been ignoring for the past week since our almost kiss. I was ready for it. I wanted it. But the man ducked out.

He wanted it too. I saw it.

"How was your shift?" Eugene asked driving off.

"Physically and mentally draining. I saw Cam today."

"The kid Reign can't shut up about?" I nodded. Reign loves that little guy.

"He said he saw Reign almost every day this week, which is odd because I've barely seen him. Every time I do, it's either an awkward nod or 'hello'."

"Hmm," Eugene hummed. "Might have something for that in the back." I gave him an inquisitive brow before looking in the back. I sigh into my seat and Eugene chuckles.

He makes it so hard to be mad at him.

On the custom-made Italian leather sits a big bag of McDonald's. The unhealthy aroma of fries fills my nose.

I took an embarrassingly loud sniff. Eugene laughs again. I have no shame when it comes to my food. "He thought it would help you out," he says when I reach for the big bag of goodness into my lap.

I freeze. "He? As in Reign?"

"Yes ma'am. Hope you don't mind me asking," he pauses and I nod my head. Eugene became a big brother to my friends and I— with every annoying quality. He was our favourite. "What happened between the two of you?"

I munched on some fries, preparing myself for this conversation. I didn't really tell anyone about this. "On his birthday, he was going to kiss me and he backed out."

I'm met with dead silence.

I turn to see Eugene smiling. "You guys almost kissed," he sounds almost relieved.

"You say that like you know something I don't." A small smirk grows on his face.

"Not my story to tell," is his oly answer. A vague one, but an answer nonetheless. We arrive at the main house my burger and fries all gone. I thank Eugene for the ride but before I can open the front door, he stops me. "Before you go and break his balls, talk to the girls. They might be able to help you out." He opens the door for me before muttering, "God knows you women like to gossip."

"Mom?!" I can't believe my eyes when I see my mother and sister in the kitchen. It was so big that it had a large table for everyone who lived here to eat on one side and on the other side, a mini lounge with two sofas surrounding a mini table. True, Luna and Ana were here too. Cait was probably at work. Grey and Silas were on the floor playing with Jordan. She's gotten so big. She just turned four.

"Hi darling," I ran to give her a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I sat next to Luna who decided it was the best time to lie down.

"The woman of the house invited us over," my mom smiles at True. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her which she returned with a smile.

"Where's dad?"

"He's in the gym with Tristan. Such a sweet boy," I snort. Ana rolled her eyes with a playful smile.

Yeah. Tristan, sweet.

We talked and laughed until Cait came home. "Mama!" Jordan sprung up from the floor to greet her mom with a tight hug. Tristan walked in like he was in tuned with his girls. He gave us a wink and shushed us and snuck up behind them and lifted them together, causing giggles from Cait and Tristan.

Okay, maybeee he's a sweet guy. A little.

After long days, we sometimes find ourselves together. Apart from my new job and food, my friends are my home. For the past four years, we've been things that we never thought possible. From kidnappings and gunshot wounds to surprise pregnancies, we've been each others help. There's also been great joy. Who would've thought that most of us would find the love of our lives in the French mafia. Not me, for sure. One of my favourite things to do with my friends was gossiping like housewives. Ironically, the majority of them were happily married.

"Not to change the topic to men, but,"

"You and Reign finally figuring out you've got the hots for one another?" Ana cuts me off. "About time." my jaw drops. How?

"I've been say in that since day one," Luna rolls her eyes.

"Reign can't take his eyes off of you for more than ten seconds," my mom adds. Okay, has someone been reading my thoughts?

"This is Cait and Tristan all over again," I palmed my forehead. There is literally No escaping these people.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I mean look at how that turned out, right, J?" the woman herself adds high-fiving her mini- me. "A love story for the books."

"Anyways," True finally interjects. I've been watching her from the side of my eye. "Apart from surprise babies and assassins," she throws at Cait who childishly sticks her tongue at True. "What are you thinking about? Do you want to go for it?" That one question has almost everyone at the edge of their seat.

"I think I do," I said after finally telling myself to hell with it. "He uhm- tried to kiss me on his birthday but something stopped. Maybe it was me, I don't know." Luna thumps her fist in victory but I pretend to ignore that. True smiles softly.

"I think I know what it is," my mom interjects. "Royal, baby. You remind me so much of myself at your age. You're driven and focused. You set standards and goals for yourself. You made it known that you weren't going to date until after graduation and I believe it's still holding him back. I've spoken to Reign over the years and l have no doubt that he loves you. He also respects you and your rules."

"But I graduated," I argued. "That man could've had me on graduation night."

"I'm like a proud mom," Luna fans her fake tears.

"Reign looks like the kind of guy who values consent," Ana says as she sips her wine. "Maybe he's waiting on you to make a move?"

"Maybe a little push," Cait smirks, getting up to go into the kitchen.

"Four years of tension before someone snaps," Luna sighs dreamily. "I love it."

"Hold on," True puts her hand up. " I'm also loving this but babe, are you sure this is what you want to do? You're ready?" she smiles. It's a smile between excited and ready for the axe.

I sit and think a little. I did it. I finished school and I have a job that I love. Reign played a big part in that journey. He's my best friend. I'm not a girl to fall in love on a whim, but I am the girl to try. Sure there will be a lot at 13k if I do this, but I'm doing it anyway. "Let's do it."

"Cait, bring the champagne! We've got a match to put together!" Ana screams, clapping her hands in excitement. "I've got the perfect plan."

It's in this moment I thank God the boys are out.

Patience (Serpents Series #5)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu