One: The Fun Begins

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{Disclaimer: I don't own the picture, I found it. Credit to the editor/artist, whoever you are.
I do not own any of these characters. I only own the story. All the credit goes to the absolutely amazing Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, who wrote the BBC tv series Sherlock, and before them, the wonderful genius Sir Arthur Connan Doyle, who once said: "If in 100 years I am known only as the man who created Sherlock Holmes, then I will have considered my life a failure." I am sorry, Sir, but we do love your character so.

Especially if he is played by the brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch.

Whom (if we are lucky) might just be wearing the Purple Shirt of Sex. (Fingers crossed.)}

John's POV

I woke to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. I stumbled out of bed, untangling myself from the sheets. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast before I had to leave. I saw Harry passed out on the couch and I sighed.

"Harry," I tried to shake her awake. "Harry, get up. You have to drive me to school, remember?" She groaned and rolled over, so I left her to get up as I put the kettle on to boil and made myself a bowl of cereal. The tea was ready by the time my sister stumbled into the kitchen, holding her head from a hangover. We drank in silence before I went upstairs to take a shower and change.

Today was my first day at Baker Street Boarding School. I was a bit surprised when I got the scholarship, and though I hate to admit it- even to myself- happy to move out. I love Harry and all, but her life is a train wreck. My bags were all packed, and Harry helped me load them into the boot before she climbed into the driver's seat. She chatted idly the whole way there, talking about my upcoming school year, talking about this or that, but I wasn't that interested.

"Here," she said, fishing her phone out of her pocket, "keep in touch, will you? Let me know how you get settled in, and your classes..." We were pulling up to the school now. I nodded, thanking her. We pulled my few bags out, and I gave Harry a big hug before she left.

"Promise me you'll try to quit drinking, Sis."

"I'll try, John."

"And try to pull your life back together?"

"Yeah, John."

I stepped away, waving as she climbed in the car. "I love you."

She smiled. "Love you, too!" She drove off.

I turned to face the looming buildings, with grey stone walls and high windows.

This was going to be fun.

Sherlock's POV

Mycroft was banging on my door. "Shut up, Mycroft!" I said as I pushed my way past him to the bathroom.

"Will you be eating breakfast this morning, brother dear?" Mycroft's taunting voice raked my eardrums. I slammed the door in his face.

After a shower and change, I went downstairs and plopped onto the couch to wait for Mycroft's car to pull up. "Sherlock, none of your books got packed; are you sure you wouldn't like to take any?"

My eyes flew open when I remembered that I had hidden my box- the box, the one holding my drugs and ciggarettes- in one of the textbooks in my room. Well, I can't leave without that, now, can I? I ran up the stairs to retrieve it, and ran back down as the car pulled up. We put our bags in the boot and said goodbye to our parents, then spend the entire drive in silence. I spent the whole time in my mind palace, organizing all my files and just wandering aimlessly.

"Your roommate's name is John Watson," Mycroft informed me as the car pulled up to the school. My head snapped up in anger.

"You'd promised me I wouldn't have to share a room this year."

"Did I?" It wasn't a question.

I answered it anyway. "Yes, you did."

My idiot brother sighed. "Sherlock-"

"Whatever, Mycroft. He'll be gone within a week, anyway."

"Sherlock, I do not want a repeat of last year."

"Repeat?" I asked. "Why repeat? Repetition is boring. No, I'm sure I'll think of something new..." I smiled mischievously.

"Play nice, Sherlock," Mycroft admonishioned.

"Don't worry, Big Brother," I told him sarcastically. "I'll just be myself."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I heard him mutter as I jumped out of the car.

This was going to be fun.

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