Football games

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I was currently at an England match with my friends at Wembley stadium, we were sitting 2 rows up from the barriers behind the goal post so we had a very good view. Not going to lie I was only here to see my crush 'Jude Bellingham' and they all knew that and teased me for but in my defence who doesn't have a crush on Jude Bellingham.

"I'm freezing" I moaned receiving dirty looks from my friends, it was a cold winters day and let's just say the wind was winding. I did have a coat but I took it off as soon as we arrived as it didn't go with my outfit. "Excuse me, why are looking at me like that?" I asked them looking at my reflection in my pocket mirror while fixing my hair. "You wanted to come early to watch the boys train, I do not want to hear you complaining!" YF/N said.

Trying to hide my smirk I just side eye her because even though it's true I didn't want to hear it. After 5 minutes of waiting the boys came out and started doing their warms up. "Jude is actually finneee" YBSF/N said giggling while elbowing me "that's what I've been telling you, but back off he's mine" I joked along with her. The boys had been warming up for about 20minutes now and the crowd is now starting to flock in, our area is still empty so I could see Jude and his friends looking over at us, pointing and laughing numerous times "I hope they are talking about how good we look" Yf/n said flicking her hair watching them intensely.

As I was about to reply I see Jude, Trent and James running over to us, they hopped over the barriers and seat in the seats directly in-front of us. "Hey girls, how are you doing?" Trent started "I'm Trent, this is Madders and this is Jude but I'm sure you already know that" he winked laughing cheekily. Trent is very good looking but he has nothing on Jude and looking at Jude face to face he is even better looking in person. "Yeah well of course we know who you are, our friend Y/N talks about Jude all the time" YBSF/N said pointing at me. I felt my heart drop to my feet, I was so embarrassed.

All heads had now snapped towards me but I just kept looking straight out at the pitch, "oh really cause we came over here because my boy Jude here wanted to come over and talk to a certain someone" Madders replied tilting his head in my direction, all heads have now snapped towards Jude including mine, his cheeks were bright red now "well we have 10 minutes until we have to get on the pitch". I'm just surprised that Jude came over here for me. Like what. "Oh I just remembered I need to go toilet come with me YF/N" YBS/N said pulling her along before I could even argue against them going.

The girls had barely run away before Trent and Madders run away jumping over the barrier leaving me and Jude by ourselves.
"Erm hi, you alright?" Jude said scratching the back of head nervously "hey I'm alright, you? Ready for your match?" I asked looking around just as nervous. Surprisingly Jude can hold pretty good eye contact which was making me even more nervous.

We had been talking for a few minutes once we had gotten over the awkward stage we realised we had quite a lot in common and he had ended climbing over the seats and sitting next to me to 'warm me up'. We were so lost in time that we hadn't realised how packed the stadium was until we heard fans shouting his names, lights from cameras going off from every direction "oh shit I need to go" Jude said getting up "it was lovely meeting you, don't forget to message me later" he continued giving me a hug then running back to his teammates.

I was completely overwhelmed by the crowd looking at me right now, I just wanted to hide in a shell but luckily the girls came back just as the game was starting "soooo how was it" YBSF/N asked wiggling her eyebrows smirking. I completely ignored her more interested in the match. Within the first 25 minutes Jude had score and blew a kiss into the crowd towards me then pointed me out, once again everyone turned to look at me to make matters worse the girls were screaming their heads off like crazy fangirls.

The match was good and we ended up winning 3-1 thanks to Jude and Harry Kane. Me and the girls had stayed back a bit after to get pictures for the gram when Jude and Trent run back out to us "you alright girls?" Trent shouted over to us "come down 'ere". We walked down the steps to the barriers to meet them halfway. "We are going to dinner to celebrate do you want to join us" Jude asked wrapping his arms around me resting his chin on my head. As the others were deciding were to go me and Jude were taking goofy pictures completely unaware to what was going on

"oi are you two even listening"......

Requested ♥️

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