The interview

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Everyone had seen the video of Gio saying he would never let his sister date "Jude Bellingham" but me. If the boy you're supposedly seeing close friend says that he wouldn't allow him to date his family that would automatically raise red flags and cause the relationship to end, however, i hadn't seen it and no one had even shown me the clip. To be fair Jude was the sweetest boy so if any one told me i wouldn't believe it.

To shed some light on the situation me and Jude had been in a lowkey relationship for 5 months so no one knew, we had lots of secret date at the beach, in the backyard, the zoo, we even had spontaneous trips to Paris. I had met Jude at my dad's barber shop. My dad was a well known barber and cut hair for many of the dortmund players so once Jude had joined the team Jadon brought him in and he's been getting cut even since.

Naturally over time we had started talking and he was such a charmer. After a few months we had eventually started talking over snap, insta even FaceTime. Until he was leaving the shop one day and he had asked my dad to take me on a date, such a gentlemen right, the date went well and we had agreed to take things further. Jude is so sweet and he treats me right, he always the first one there when I'm feeling down or not well so when he told me he was going on holiday with the lads I had no reason not to trust him right?....right?

A few weeks before he was going on holiday he started acting funny, i was seeing less and less of him to a point my family was asking for him! Every time I asked him about this he would blame it on the stress of training. When my dad would ask him he would say it's the stress of the football and he wouldn't lie to my dad would he ?. My friend tried to convince me that this was a red flag but my best friend told me not to listen to them and told me they are just being haters so I listened  to her, even though my gut was telling me listen to my friends I wasn't going to listen to them over my best friends who I thought of like a sister.
Jude had came over today, it was still early so we was in bed cuddling, Jude was resting his head on my chest while i was stroking his head with my nails, when my phone started going off like crazy "baby get your phone please or put it on mute" he said while soothingly stroking my sides. Scrolling through my notification i had seen that my friends had made a new group chat without ybsf/n.

Text thread:
                                                                                                                           Y/n: guys what is this and why didn't you add ybsf/n!!!!                  
Friend 1: y/n have you seen this yet *insert clip of gio*
Friend 2: we didn't want you to see from anyone else if you haven't but its been out for a month
                                                                                                                                                                                             Y/n: wtah
Friend 1: y/n you need to cut it of now before you seriously get hurt
Friend 4: yeah i don't know what Jude and ybsf is telling you but this tells you everything you need to know. Cut it off
Friend 3: yeah those two are weird they can't keep gaslighting you.

                                                                                                                                                         Y/n: thank you guys, I'll speak to you later

I got up and went into the bathroom and called ybsf, I instantly started crying "y/n what's wrong my love" she sounded concerned "y/n speak up,  what's wrong?" Now she sounded impatient like she wanted me off the phone but I ignored and told her the situation "omg they made a group chat without me, how rude" i scoffed "that's not what I called you for, what should i do? do you think i shouldn't trust Jude"

"Sorry girl I just can't believe they would do that, If i was in the group chat i would set them straight but honestly don't believe them they are looking for any reason to get you to split up with Jude, they just don't want to see you happy ignore them" we finished up our call but the video was still playing on my mind. I went back out to talk to him to see what he says. I sat on the bed and watched him scroll through tiktok. He was scrolling through yf/n (one of the friends from the group chat you can pick which one)intensely but I didn't pay any mind to it as he quickly close the app when i sat next to him.

"Jude I need to speak to you" he just remained still and replied "what is it baby?"  Is he serious could he not here the anger in my tone I couldn't believe what i had just watched, his so called best friend wouldn't trust him so why the fuck should I. "No Jude get up and look at me"  he sat up an looked at me "what's wrong baby" he tried to pull me into a cuddle but i just backed up "what is this?" I showed him the clip and he just looked at my phone then back to me "my love that's just Gio, you know how he is, its all banter" my mind calm down a bit "he told me he choose me to be funny, i can show text if you want" he continue grabbing his phone now the dresser going to unlock it. "No, no its fine but the girls use put it in my head that it was worse than it is but you'd right it's Gio i should have known" I say wrapping my self in his arms "you should seriously listen ybsf more" he Said as he got up and left the room. Weird right.....

Jude had been on holiday for a week now and we had spoke like 2 times for 5 minutes probably even less than that but what could i do, I didn't wanna interrupt his holiday. Ybsf/n took me to the spa today to get the whole situation off my head but our conversation ended up on the topic "hey girl sorry about the other day, i was pissed about the group chat" she started "but honestly the more you tell me about him the less i can defend him, when you're around him you are so happy so I didn't wanna ruin it but now the red flags are waving in the air" now she said that I'm starting to panicking, should i have trust Jude?, should i even be with him?.

Well as the thoughts were cycling my mind i got the fucking answer to my question " I'm going to murder somebody" I spun my head to look at my best friend, what hell is this girl on about.  "Girl are you good?" She shows me the numerous picture of Jude, with the lads and yf/n (the one he whose TikTok he was scrolling through) on a boat and some of Jude kissing yf/n and cuddling her. My heart dropped to my feet, I couldn't even get the tears out, I was so mad i never wanted to see either of them again ybsf/n pulled me into a hug and as soon as she did i just cried. "This little rat and here's me convincing you to be with him and she's telling you to break up with him."

All I could think is that I see why Gio would keep his sister away from Jude !!!!!!!

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