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Lizzie's half asleep

King Joel: *to a half-asleep Lizzie* Lizzie, if I asked you for a cookie, would you give it to me?
Ocean Queen Lizzie: *mumbling, half asleep* Yes.
King Joel: How about a kiss? Would you give it to me?
Ocean Queen Lizzie: *mumbling, half asleep* Yes.
Codboy Jimmy: Joel, what are you doing?
King Joel: Lizzie's half asleep, so I'm just asking for some things.
Codboy Jimmy: Ooh! I want to try! Lizzie, if me and Joel were hanging over a pit of lava, you would save me, right-
Ocean Queen Lizzie: *mumbling, half asleep* No.

Fear or love?

Scott: Do I want people to fear me or love me? Easy. Both. I want them to fear how much they love me.

Did the Wither Rose Alliance learn their lesson?

Gem: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Joey: No.
fWhip: I did not.
Joey: I may have actually forgotten one.
Sausage: Also no.
Pearl: Oh good, neither did I.
Gem: *exhausted sigh*

Joel's attractive

God Joel: Look, do I consider myself attractive? Yes. But would I have sex with my clone? Also yes.

Respect for the sheriff

Count fWhip of Gobland: *talking to Jimmy* With all due respect, which is none...


*Count fWhip of Gobland holding his babies*
Great Witch Shelby: Oh my, I can't believe one of us actually has one of these.
Sausage of Sanctuary: I know, I still am one of these.

Joel's tips on how to make someone like you

Jimmy: Any tips on how to make someone like me?
Joel: Try to make them laugh all the time.
Jimmy: Oh, wow! You actually help me for once, and it's even good advice!
Joel: Yeah, the more they laugh, the more time they spend with their eyes closed, so it'd be easier.

Jimmy's dress code

Sheriff Jimmy: Scott is not allowed to violate the dress code, even on 'casual' Fridays.
Count fWhip of Gobland: No matter how many times you say please, Jimmy, we won't put any of the hats you've been asking about into the dress code.

Lizzie's honest

Joel: Okay, how do I look? Be honest.
Scott: There's no critic more honest than Lizzie!
Lizzie: Bad.

Jimmy's quick at math

Jimmy: I'm quick at math.
Scott: Ok, what's 38 times 76?
Jimmy: 24.
Scott: That wasn't even close.
Jimmy: But it was quick.

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