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"You've got some nerve calling me out here like some errand boy" Chuuya lowers his leg while Ango merely looks up at him pushing his glasses further up his nose causing them to glint off the low light coming from the many computer screens

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"You've got some nerve calling me out here like some errand boy" Chuuya lowers his leg while Ango merely looks up at him pushing his glasses further up his nose causing them to glint off the low light coming from the many computer screens. The other occupants of the room stare at the man with wide eyes looking between Ango, Chuuya and the door he blasted off the hinges. "This better be good" Chuuya growls finally looking up to meet Ango's stare.

The brunette stands up and glances at the startled workers raising his hand in a calming gesture "Everyone please give us a moment to talk alone" as the men start to clear out Ango turns his attention back to the other man who continues to stare at him with harsh eyes.

"You do realize this is a government facility. There are consequences for those who assault our agents" Ango says pulling his eyes away from the unconscious man that had been slumped up against the wall outside the door and watches wearily as Chuuya approaches.

"You confuse me with someone who gives a damn. I follow my own rules" Chuuya says and Ango grits his teeth.

"You owe me a debt"

"You've got that ass backwards. Its you that owes a debt to me"

"What are you talking about?" At Ango's question Chuuya slams his fist against the concrete wall leaving a small crater that shoots out spider web cracks along the once smooth surface.

"Don't play dumb with me. Did you truly think I wouldn't know what happened six years ago?" Ango stays silent and Chuuya tsks "Of course you did. You and those filthy bureaucrats are the ones who sent Shibusawa into the dragon head conflict. He was supposed to be the one to end that bloody war but instead he made things worse and you made the pile of corpses higher. He never intended to maintain peace in the first place and because of that you got my friends killed"

Chuuya rips his hand away from the wall and pulls his glove on tighter "But even after all of that you still went out of your way to protect him. All because his ability was just too valuable against a potential nationwide gifted uprising"

"It was all for the safety of this country" Ango says and Chuuya reaches out wrapping his hand around the man's throat and slams him into the wall. "Careful with the words you choose to speak professor glasses... if it wasn't for you bringing him here my six friends would still be alive right now"

Anemoia ||Bungo Stray Dogs|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt