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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"How dare you ask me to meet you at that stupid bar across town then have me come all the way here after leading me on a while goose chase just so you could have breakfast with this suicidal bastard"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"How dare you ask me to meet you at that stupid bar across town then have me come all the way here after leading me on a while goose chase just so you could have breakfast with this suicidal bastard"

Hotaru slowly blinks up at the enraged man, her brain trying to piece together what he is saying. Blue eyes bear down into lilac ones alight with fury, his lips raised into a snarl. The brunette of the group merely watches with a delighted expression on his face completely captivated with the two's interactions in front of him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hotaru snaps her expression going from puzzled to miffed, her eyes sharpening portraying her irritation with the man's words. Chuuya's eyes narrow his hand tightening around the seat of the booth "Don't play dumb with me it's not a cute look on you Hotaru" he hisses.

Hotaru's face turns fiery as she purses her lips "Chuuya I never told you to meet me anywhere"

"Yes you did! You texted me this morning to meet you there and then you never showed up"

Hotaru huffs her confusion coming back in full "What are you talking about? I never texted you. I haven't spoken to you since I picked Kyusaku up at the port mafia headquarters. I don't even have my phone..." Hotaru trails off her voice getting softer as realization floods her. Lilac eyes narrow as her brow starts twitching "I haven't had my phone since this morning"

Her head snaps towards Dazai who's eyes comically widen at her "You son of a bitch"

Chuuya pieces this together and turns his pissed glare to Dazai and scoffs "I should have fucking known. God this has you written all over it you stupid bastard"

Hotaru rolls her eyes as the man across from her doesn't even have the decency to look abashed at his actions. In all reality he looks proud and it only served to piss off the two who had unknowingly became victims in his self serving game.

"Sit down Chuuya" Hotaru sighs and the red headed man looks at her with a raised brow. "You are here now. Might as well enjoy breakfast while you can"

Chuuya takes a moment to decide before he sits down next to Hotaru. Ai who had peaked out of the kitchen at the sound of a third voice widens his eyes before he ducks back into the doorway grabbing a third plate for the unexpected visitor.

Anemoia ||Bungo Stray Dogs|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang