Chapter 136: As the Branches Grow

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The ninja stood anxiously outside with Reika, Hanabusa, and Kaname. The rest of Aria's guards were also around watching the other doors. Kai tapped his foot impatiently as the doors at the end of the hall opened and in ran Svern.

"Any news yet?" He asks as he pants

"We're still waiting," Zane informs him "nothing yet,"

"It's been hours," Kai sighs "do you think something's wrong?"

"It can take hours for labor to actually start, doesn't mean something is wrong." Nya tells him "We just have to be patient."

"Oh how can we be patient," Jay whines "Our Nephews are being born and we can't even go in!"

"Yeah the doctors won't even let me in and I'm her wife," Reika crosses her arms

Svern stares at her before turning to the ninja "Who is inside with her?"

"Wu and Lloyd," Cole replies "but they'll let us in after the kids are born."

"Oh it's killing me," Jay whines "I have no patience."

"It'll be ok Jay," Nya put her hand on his shoulder "I'm sure everything is fine."

"But what if it's not," Hanabusa whines

"Here he goes," Kaname mutters "thanks Jay."

Suddenly, the light above the door turns off and the group turns their attention to it. The door soon opens, there stood Wu with a big smile.

"Come meet your nephew's!" Wu announces excitedly

The ninja cheer before rushing in the room where Aria sat in the hospital bed holding one of her sons. Lloyd sat in a chair beside Aria, holding her hand while holding onto their other son.

"They're so little," Nya says as the group approached

The ninja and Reika gathered around the two as Kaname and Hanabusa guarded the door. Svern stood in the back, watching the scene with a small smile.

"Have you decided on names?" Kai asks

"This one here, is Len." Lloyd says gesturing to the boy in his arm

"And this one, is Ren." Aria says as she kisses the boy in her arms

"Why Ren and Len?" Jay questions

"In the first realm, Ren comes from the meaning of lotus," Lloyd explains "it's a myth that the name will inspire the baby to bloom and blossom every day while still being reminded of their roots."

Len holds his little hands out to his mother, Aria reaches over and allows him to grab onto her finger.

"Len comes from the meaning of lion strength," Aria explains "As the baby grows into their claws and strengthens their roar, the name Len is sure to remind them to maintain their pride in all forms."

"That's cute," Nya smiles "I like it."

"With names like that, they're sure to follow after their parents," Cole adds

"Oh hell no," Aria shakes her head "I would die before I allow my babies to be anywhere close to as reckless and Lloyd and I."

The ninja all laugh as Aria turned her attention to her father.

"Daddy," Aria calls out

"Yes dear?" Svern asks looking surprised

"Do you wanna hold your grandson?" Aria asks with a smile "I'm a little tired."

"I- no.. the others should hold him." Svern looks away "I shouldn't.. be near them."

"Get over there old man," Wu says as he pushes him to the bedside

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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