One of my co-workers, Rachel, invited me to join the team for dinner. Eager to bond with my team, I accepted the invitation. The menu was a mix of familiar and new stuff. We went for the classics – some fried rice, spicy chicken wings, and this bomb cheesecake for dessert. It was like a flavor party in my mouth. We couldn't stop cracking jokes and teasing each other. The night just flew by, and before I knew it, we were wrapping up with smiles and full bellies. It was one of those dinners that felt like hanging out with friends more than colleagues. Definitely a good vibe! It set the tone up for the rest of my trip.

After dinner I headed back to my hotel and took this opportunity to relax. I had a nice bubble bath and took my time doing my skincare after. I put on some Netflix and relaxed in the bed with the AC and low lights giving a nice and cool ambience to the room. Muhammad sent me a text and we began chatting.

Me: Just survived my first day in Lagos, and I think it's hotter here than Abuja.

Muhammad Salman: Lagos is known for turning up the heat, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to your presence.

Me : Smooth talker! I might need a fan to cool down from that one.

Muhammad Salman: Consider me your personal cooling system, always ready to bring the temperature down.

Me: Well, I appreciate the offer, Mr. Charming. What else do you have up your sleeve?

Muhammad Salman: Maybe a surprise visit to Lagos? I hear there's a certain someone with excellent snack choices.

Me: Hmm, tempting offer.

Muhammad: I should take you to one of my favorite restaurants it's very local tho..

Me: maybe You've got yourself a deal, entrepreneur! 😊


The next day unveiled a canvas painted with professional endeavors. Rising with the sun at 6 am, I decided to embrace my inner Barbie after a Netflix binge the previous night. Donning a chic pink pantsuit set with black and gold accessories, I aimed for a girly yet sophisticated look. A touch of nude makeup, complemented by a pink lip gloss, added a subtle charm to my caramel-chocolate skin.

I called my mom and had a quick conversation with her before heading down to the lobby. With a car service booked for my Lagos stay, the driver arrived promptly at 9 am. The city greeted me with a chorus of compliments as I stepped into the office at 10 am, turning heads with my outfit and catching the attention of those close enough to catch a whiff of my perfume. Shyness and confidence danced within me simultaneously.

As I settled into the workday, my focus shifted to a crucial meeting. Being part of Boston Consulting Group, I was set to present suggestions for improving remote work, a key element for an upcoming project with a major client. A project that I wanted to be given so I was eager to be heard in this meeting. When given the floor to speak I immediately suggested, "Considering the dynamics of our client's industry, implementing a flextime policy can significantly improve employee satisfaction and productivity. It's all about adapting to the ebb and flow of their work, enhancing work-life balance."

"That's an interesting perspective. How would you propose we implement this?" The MD asked.

"I suggest piloting a flextime program for a specific department initially. Collect data, measure the impact, and then roll it out company-wide based on the outcomes," I said confidently.

The meeting ended an hour later and I felt quite good about it, great ideas were shared and the future looked promising. Alhamdulillah.

Post-meeting, my boss beckoned me into his office. After the usual greetings, he extended an offer of coffee, which I politely declined. The conversation took an intriguing turn as he delicately broached the idea of relocating to the main office. "...I believe your talents could flourish even more at our main office. Think about it—a faster track to promotion, closer collaboration with top executives."

I smiled "I appreciate the consideration. It's a tempting offer, but I'll need some time to weigh the pros and cons."

Move to Lagos? I don't think so sir.

The proposition of moving to Lagos hovered in the air, tempting and filled with potential. However, as the idea lingered, I found myself grappling with the implications.

The notorious traffic, was absolutely dreadful. The mere thought of navigating through endless queues of honking vehicles conjured a sense of dread. The beauty of convenience had its price, paid in hours wasted in transit.

Moreover, Lagos lacked the cozy comfort of family and long-standing friendships. My recent move to be closer to family and cherished friends formed a poignant anchor. The tranquility of my current abode, nestled away from the urban whirlwind, held a unique charm. The big city, while teeming with opportunities, felt like uncharted territory in terms of having a great Muslim community. And that was important to me.

The fast-paced rhythm of Lagos clashed with the cadence of my reserved personality.The prospect of relinquishing my haven for the hustle and bustle of Lagos sparked an internal debate. The pulse of Lagos may have quickened, but the rhythm of my heart remained attuned to the steadier beat of my established roots.

The remainder of the workday unfolded seamlessly, punctuated by productive hours and meaningful interactions. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I stepped into a different realm by joining Rachel for drinks at The Gaby Lagos. It was a really cool restaurant that offered unlimited cocktails!

"Babe, you won't believe the hot mess that happened in the office last week ah! "

"Oya, spill! I'm ready for some juicy gossip," I replied and we both laughed out loud at my response.

"Alright, brace yourself," Rachel began being ever so dramatic. "So, it turns out that Femi and Emily from the marketing department got caught in a sexy situation in the office storage room."

"No way! Bad children! In the storage room? Do we need to start calling it the love nest now?"

"Oh, it gets better. They didn't realize the security cameras were on while they were sucking each others faces and doing touchy touchy. The weyrey boy even off shirt. The footage made its way to the IT department, and now there's a whole scandal. You know gist flies fast "

I cackled shocked by the bomb that was just dropped on me. "You're kidding! That's some next-level drama. How reckless can you be?"

"Do you get? Sha HR is involved now, and there's talk of disciplinary actions. It's like a soap opera right in our office I'm here for it." Rachel squealed excitedly.

"Omo steamy office romance, okay "

The restaurant buzzed with laughter as the spicy details of office escapades provided a welcome diversion from the mundane. Conversation flowed freely, laughter echoed, and anecdotes danced in the air, offering a delightful contrast to the day's professional rigors.

As the night unfolded, the city lights outside painted a shimmering backdrop for glasses clinking in harmony.
Hello dear readers!

Please I'm begging you people to comment😂 as I haven't written for a while, I'm so stressed when I publish so I'll NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! Please, thank you 🤲🏾🥹. And please SHARE to your friends at least xx.

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