Chapter 2: Chaos?

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In the Raon kingdom, or more precisely, in the Raon Palace. Ruckus could be heard and seen in the office of the King, Alberu.

"Your highness! Please tell me you know what happened!"

"Cookie prince! What did that bastard god do again! "

"Alberu. What happened."

Everyone was asking (well more like demanding but- meh) Alberu for answers on what happened to Cale. Choi Han was holding onto the half transparent Cale in his arms. Cale was still shining brightly.

Alberu just sighed, he looked at all of their faces one by one. Choi Han, as usual had a teary but vicious look, while Raon looked like he was about to kill a god and Eruhaben had a stoic face, he could feel a bit of dragons fear coming out of him. He too was worried and angry too of course.

"Cage will arrive here at any moment now. She'll explain."

Their face relaxed a bit at that however it wasn't long as Cage arrived in the office and they all went running towards her, of course Eruhaben excluded, he elegantly walked towards her although faster than usual.

" Cage! "

All of them called out to her in perfect sync. She just looked at them tiredly. She massages her temples as she sits on the couch in the office.

"I'll explain."

Alberu could only look in complication, it was his office, why does everyone act as if it's theirs? However he didn't have long to think about that as Cage started talking.

"That bastard god!"

Everyone was even more angered after hearing the explanation from Cage. Apparently, some 'god' from another world went up to him and told him the tales of a person and was requesting the GoD to help him. And apparently, the dumb god agreed to it. And apparently, he thought it would only involve himself however, Cale and the sun goddess got dragged in as well against their own will. And APPARENTLY, the unknown god had the power to forcefully pull Cale and the sun goddess into the GoD's domain. AND APPARENTLY, HE COULDN'T STOP THE UNKNOWN GOD WHEN IT WAS HIS DOMAIN. AND, APPARENTLY, THE WORLD IS AN APOCALYPTIC WORLD TOO.

"Ugh… this god…."

Alberu could only let out an exasperated sigh as he slapped his forehead. He was smoothing his forehead, he kept frowning at the story.

'Seriously… does this god not know of stranger danger? How could he just agree to an unknown god he didn't know anything about, not even their face.'

Alberu did not know if the GoD was even a god at that point. He was like a child.

"Looks like it's time to burn his temples."


Eruhaben made the suggestion and Raon agreed. It was as if that was the obvious solution. Afterall, Cale would always do that if the GoD angered him.


Everyone turned towards the source of the groan. It was Cage, she was mumbling something.

"G-guys… the GoD is talking to me…"


Everyone asked at that moment, only to stay silent after seeing Cage having a hard time, it seemed more intense than usual.

"He said…. He could send some people once… or more times… although we would need to wait for a bit…only two people can go at a time… ugh!"

At the groan, Cage stumbled a few steps front. Luckily, Eruhaben caught her. He seemed to calm down a bit more.

Cage's vision became a bit blurred however could still see as two figures walked up to her. It was Alberu and Choi Han. She already knew what they wanted. They wanted to go to the world Cale's in, obviously, they were such simps for him.

Cage spoke before the two of them could, she was smirking.

"I know, you both want to go. You need to wait though. The GoD will send a divine artefact to transport you there on the day the apocalypse comes."

"Sigh… unlucky bastard…"

Eruhaben could only sigh. He felt bad for Cale. He had already saved this world however he had to save another world now? Why couldn't he just rest? That was all he wanted to do. He was the one that deserved to rest most out of everyone. For the 2 year(?) that he knew Cale, he felt like a son to him. He wanted to protect him, keep him safe. However, the world just does whatever they want to. The unlucky bastard didn't even do anything to cause trouble this time yet, he's still involved. Eruhaben couldn't believe it, the unlucky bastard really was unlucky. Eruhaben tried calming his mind down, it was taking too much toll on him both physically and mentally.

"I want to go too!"

At the heart of Raon's voice, Eruhaben looked at the small dragon. He couldn't help but frown.


"What? Why???! Goldie gramps! "

Raon immediately responded back after hearing Eruhaben's refusal to let him go.

'Haa.. I don't get paid enough for this.'

In fact, he doesn't get paid at all. (lolololll🤣)

"Because, the unlucky bastard wouldn't want you too. Don't you remember his words? He said after the war was over, he didn't want you to get involved in dangerous stuff anymore."


"No buts, the unlucky bastard just wants you to eat, drink, sleep, play and laugh. He would blame himself if you went."

Well, I guess it was true he would blame himself, he always worried if the kids had eaten or slept already. He was like a worried mother every time.

" But… I'm worried.. "

" Yes, I know you're worried, I am too and the unlucky bastard is worried about you too, he wouldn't like seeing you like this. You're a great and mighty dragon are you not?"

At that, Raon's eyes lit up and his wings flapped even faster. There was a bright smile on his face again.

" Yes, of course I am a great and mighty dragon! I will not make my human worry! I am a great, mighty and smart dragon! "

Everyone's mood was eventually lifted after seeing this. Raon's smile always lightened up the mood.

"Good. We just need to wait for the divine artefact to come then."

Everyone nodded at that. They just had to wait. They could save Cale, their home, if they wait just a bit.

Cale, who did not know of their worries however, sneezed and wondered if someone was talking about him as he was on his way to the first day of work.
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