Frandos, alongside the other rulers of the 7 kingdoms,  marched upon the black mountain where they are confronted by Vrinigath's armies. A great battle begins with arrows, catapults, and canons being fired from one side to the other. Frandos led the charge of his army against the forces ahead. Frando's warriors pull out ancient styled pistols and began firing away at the enemy forces. Later blades, axes, maces, and hammers clashed: an anamorphic husky throws a spear into a demon's neck, an anamorphic lion decapitates a winged demon's head, an anamorphic crocodile blasts a bullet through a demon's skull, an anamorphic eagle claws a demon's face open, an anamorphic t-rex crushes a demon beneath his feet, an anamorphic turtle spins around like a buzzsaw, cutting any demon coming at him, and Frandos is seen stabbing a demon through the heart.

 Victory was imminent as the battle drew to closure.

An anamorphic brown bear cheers gloriously before looking up. Hailing down from the black clouds above were two fireballs, one violet and the other golden green, as the evil forces move out of the way. The fireballs contacted the ground and made a crater. Lord Eld finishes off a demon and then looks ahead with eyes filled with fear.

 However, the tides quickly changed once Vrinigath and Deadrus emerged onto the battlefield.

Vrinigath and Dante lay waste to the armies of the 7 kingdoms. Vrinigath casted dark magic upon a group of warriors charging at him, tearing them apart. Simultaneously, Deadrus lashed out a black chain whip against thousands of arrows hailing towards him. The army who shot the arrows at Deadrus try to take cover from their returning arrows, but die one by one. Vrinigath pulls out a black axe and cuts an entire army in half, leaving a bloody section of the land. Deadrus tears out a warrior's heart and then removes an attacking warrior's soul. Vrinigath shoots his sharp armored claws through a warrior's back and rips out the spine, and then Deadrus forcefully removes a warrior's skeleton from their body.

All hope seemed lost as the armies of the 7 kingdoms began falling to the two powerful leaders of evil.

Frandos walked past his retreating allies towards both Vrinigath and Deadrus. Wielding his bright white sword of light firmly.

 As the onslaught continued, Frandos stood up to both the violet sorcerer and his former brother. With the great sword Dawnstar, Frandos easily repelled Deadrus and defeated Vrinigath once and for all.

Frandos is seen sending Deadrus away with one swipe of his sword and then collides with Vrinigath who he stabs in the heart. Inside of Vrinigath's body his heart is pierced by the blade. Vrinigath later dies and disintegrates out of existence.

 Frandos, as he had done many times before, brought hope to all after bringing down the sorcerer who plagued this world.

All the armies of the 7 kingdoms began cheering for Frandos, who smiles upon all of them, until his face expression changes as if he was struck. An anamorphic bear widens his eyes in horror, along with other warriors, as Frandos looks down and sees a blade coming out of his chest. Behind him was Deadrus who lifts him up and blasts a bloody hole in his body.

 All hope was lost once again. Darkness gained the advantage as Deadrus threw Frando's body down and led a terrifying assault upon the remaining armies of good.

Deadrus laughs gloriously while his army starts bringing death upon the remaining armies of the 7 kingdoms. The anamorphic t-rex is sent rolling down a hill, Lord Eld retreats alongside his comrades, the anamorphic husky gets surrounded by demons, the anamorphic eagle is piled on by a group of demons, the anamorphic crocodile fights till his dying breath, and the anamorphic lion fell to his knees, screaming in pain, as a blade penetrates the left side of his chest.

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