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- 16 December 1020

- The capital of England – Winchester:

A man with brown short hair, green eyes, he was middle aged and not that tall...

he stood on a small bridge while lighting his cigarette up in the early morning, he kept looking at his reflections in the water...

from his clothes, he looked like an adventurers..., they wear thick leathery clothes since they don't deteriorate as fast and are good for mostly any weather...

he let a long sigh while leaving the bridge and walked around the city of "Winchester...".

It's a beautiful alive city that shelters all the possible parties of society, from stupidly wealthy people, living in their own part of the city, in their incredibly huge mansions, eating the best kinds of food, and has direct impact on the city itself...

to reasonably rich people, to normal workers, sellers and merchants, to the lowest scums who can find nothing to eat, while most of them end up dying in a young age from diseases, hunger or just violence....

The man continued walking around the city's dirty routes, suddenly, he stopped by a kid wearing old dirty clothes getting beaten up by some men shouting angrily "you little brat, you thought you could play me ah? where's my money... bastard?".

the little boy was covered in blood while not being able to defend himself, the man kept watching with an uninterested face while doing nothing..., the bullies noticed him as one of them stopped the kicking and looked at the adventurer...

he said with a frustrated face "are you a relative of him?", but... the man didn't answer and just kept looking at the little kid covered in bruises and blood...

the bully approached him and said with an angry tone "hey, are you deaf or something? Or maybe it's not worth it answering a dirty scum like me aye?".

he kept scanning the adventurer and continued "...By the way nice clothes, those that you're wearing (as he spits on him), not so clean anymore.... right?".

the other bullies left the injured kid and joined their friend around the adventurer, the brat started opening his eyes and saw them bothering the man, but... as soon as one of them recognized a little metal piece on the man's neck, he tried to touch it...

he said "... if you can't speak..., then I'll just take it-...," suddenly, he got knocked down by the adventurer...., a punch that was so strong that it made the bully lose his consciousness instantly...

they all started looking at the man with angry frustrated face and tried to attack him, but one of them put a shocked face and yelled at them to stop "huh!!? i... I... I know that metal necklace, this man...., he's a monster hunter, quick!! run away before he-...".

the monster hunter jumped behind the man who was talking and punched him..., he kept watching the others as they lift their fallen comrades and running away....

The adventurer approached the injured kid who started closing his eyes from tiredness..., he kept looking at the hunter's boot approaching his face before closing his eyes...

- couple of hours later:

The little kid woke up and found himself in a comfortable bed that he has never experienced in his life...

he started looking around nervously and noticed a lot of weapons hanged on the walls of the room, suddenly, a beautiful woman showed up...

she looked at him and smiled "hey, you woke up, I thought you were dead when he brought you here, covered in blood, but here you are, alive....!! hey... say what...? Are you hungry?"...

the little kid put an embarrassed face while being wowed by the beautiful lady and how she treated him, he looked down and peeked at her beautiful face and long red hair...

she had glowy sky blue eyes..., he tried to stay quiet but his stomach growling told the whole story, the woman smiled and said with a gentle smile "that's a yes for me...", as she leaves the room....

Couple of minutes after..., the nice woman came in again with hot delicious food, the little kid kept eating as tears came out of his eyes while thinking "de... delicious!! I've never eaten food this delicious".

the nice woman kept watching at him eating while smiling and said "hehe..., watching you eat made me hungry..., you must've been starving, so..., what's your name? mine is Diana....".

the kid tried to talk but his mouth was full, he started suffocating while beating his chest...

Diana giggled as she pushed a glass of water toward him to help him with the food..., he started drinking before letting a long relieved sigh..., Diana started laughing and said "you're entertaining to watch... you know...".

the kid blushed and said with a quiet shy voice "my... my name is bel..., ah Bill.... it's Billbaut but you can call me bill for short", as he finished eating, he smiled and thanked her "ahh.. th-... thank you-....".

suddenly... They were interrupted as the door was moved by the monster hunter who saved bill, Diana looked at him and welcomed him back "welcome back, lance.... Any luck today?".

he looked at her and waved his head while answering with a serious tone "not today either", bill screamed "lance... you says!!?", lance looked at bill and said "huh...? you're awake, then let's go, vacation's over..., we have to look for your parents".

bill looked at him in sadness and said "I don't... I don't have parents...., they disappeared 2 years ago, and I'm living alone since".

lance got a slap on the head by Diana as she yelled with an angry pout "don't talk to him like that!! you need to find a solution" leaving him with a frustrated angry face as he grunted "humph...".

the two left the room with Diana waving goodbye with a big smile on her face...

the two continued through the long hallway that led to a staircase...

while going down... bill kept looking at lance's angry face with a concerned expression while thinking "that's bad..., he's angry... (starts sweating) Diana-san... why did you do that...?! now... he'll be angry at me!".

suddenly, he was surprised by a number of people in what looks like a drinking bar, but those people were wearing armor and holding weapons he has never seen in his life...

he understood what was happening as he thought "this must be a gild of the monster hunters..., huh...?", he kept looking around as everyone appeared so big and strong from his perspective...

as lance got recognized, a group of 4 men and woman who looked to know him started calling him to a drink with them, he looked at bill and let out a big sigh, and decided to bring him...

he looked at bill and said with an angry tone "don't let a single word out in front of them, anything said in this table should not be said outside, if I find people talking about what we're going to discuss, I will cut your tongue..., after I finish we'll look for a solution for your case, deal?".

bill kept shaking and screamed "sir..., yes sir" and let a sigh and thought to himself "what a weird man, did he expected me to say no?"

A man wearing a shiny silver armor greeted him warmly and said "everyone, welcome the sir Lancelot, the best adventurer in the gild.... and maybe... in the whole continent!!".