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- Sara's room:

the room's air was heavy, and time felt... slow as Edward continued looking at drake's face...

- 2 minutes earlier:

Edward had a sad while a serious face while looking at the father and his daughter enjoying their time, he clenched his teeth and though "it might be a dream..., but... i want to know!!", he looked at drake and asked "hey..., drake, do you know a vampire called Maria?".

leaving Sara in confusion as drake answered "What kind of questions is this...? of course I do..., she's mother's assistant!! and.... she's weird.... And... scary...", Sara looked at him with a smug smile "I will tell her that...", drake put a concerned nervous face and said "don't... please...", Sara smiled while winking "hehe... not without a price...".

Meanwhile, Edward kept looking at drake and said nervously "I'm... I'm not talking about her..., I'm talking... ABOUT THE OTHER ONE!", Edward kept breathing fast while thinking "you don't know her..., please tell me you don't know her, please tell me that I was dreaming..., please tell me... that you don't know-....", as he lifted his face... his eyes widened up when he was drake's expression..., the king of darkness... was frozen and his face told the whole story...

Edward kept sweating while breathing nervously. and though "huh...? why... did he put that face? why... is he shocked...", Edward asked with a shaky voice "hey..., was that true...? You did that to her?", drake kept looking at Edward with a shocked face and asked "how... how do you know that?".

Edward kept looking at him in shock and said with a broken voice "answer me, please... was it true....? do you know her...? I can't believe it..., so please..., tell me that it's not true..., tell me that it didn't happen and that I'm dreaming... (he starts tearing up while remembering the images of his mother in his mind) please... tell me that it wasn't real... please.... DRAKE!!".

Drake kept looking at Edward tearing, suddenly he yelled "SAY SOMETHING, DRAKE!!!", drake opened his mouth and said with a cold tone "I'm asking... how did you know that? Who told you that-...., no... it doesn't matter anymore... let's take it somewhere else... Edward...".

Edward's brain was filled with the same pictures of drake holding his mother's heart in his hand...., her blood covering his cold face... suddenly he put a frustrated face and said "hey, drake... you didn't answer.... was it true?".

drake looked at him for a bit and stood up while saying "let's take it somewhere else...", Edward smiled in disbelieve and said with a broken smile "why...? Are you afraid that Sara would change her mind about you when she hears the truth?", drake let a long sigh and answered "leave her out of this, Edward...", Sara woke up from her phasing and started looking back and forth between at drake and Edward, as she started feeling the mood tensing up...

Edward looked at him with angry eyes and said with a frustrated voice "huh? why leave her out of this? Didn't you taught us to never hesitate to tell the truth..., to never kill another vampire who's weaker than us..., or was it just lies...?", drake looked at him and said "calm down... this is not the place nor the time for these kinds of topics...".