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- ?? December 219

drake put a frustrated face while thinking and suddenly... he asked "hey..., your son..., is he..., by any means.... a human?" leaving the woman with open shocked eyes as she asked in disbelieve "h-huh...?".

the woman's eyes widened up "h-huh? h-how did you know...?", drake looked away angrily "tsk..., as i thought..., it's impossible for a vampire to decline our offer..., let alone four times..., you must've had a strong reason not to join us..., and I couldn't think of a stronger one...".

the woman started tearing up "but... even if you accepted him... the others won't-", drake interrupted her angrily "where is he...?".

the woman kept looking at him with teary eyes "I hid him in a closet in the 7th floor...", drake dusted his black coat off and said "then... let's go... (starts whispering) because with a condition like yours... that's the least I can do...".

the woman's eyes started flowing with tears..., and suddenly she jumped on drake and started hugging him..., drake put a creeped out face and yelled "HEY!! woman..., what the hell are you doing...?".

she kept crying on his coat as all the feelings and the pressure she hid exploded to the outside..., suddenly she lifted her teary face and said "I'm... so happy that..., that... you'll help me save my son..., even if he was a human..., you're strong and different from the others".

she wiped her tears and said with a big smile through pain, tears and blood "my name's Mariana, Mariana bucur, and I like to be called Maria".

Drake let a deep annoyed sigh and looked at her with cold glare "drake...".

the woman tilted her head with a confused smile "huh...?", drake put a frustrated face and looked away "tsk... drake... ,it's my name...", she jumped in happiness "drake... was it!!".

drake grabbed her by the head and said with an angry tone "stop squirming around..., we didn't save your son yet..., (puts her down) first...we have to gather information about the enemy...".

she looked at him "h-humans?", drake kept thinking and said "maybe...., but we have to figure out why these humans are so stubborn..., tsk... and these bastards can use dark magic too...., 7th floor was it?", She answered "yes...", drake looked at her with a cold stare and said "then let's move out...".

And thus..., their quest began, but they don't have enough time, because these "humans" were everywhere...

Drake kept looking around and said "then, let's move out...", he kept looking at Maria and noticed the wounds on her body, she looked exhausted from fighting all these enemies as she kept breathing heavily...

he said "or..., you know what...? stay here..., let me take care of things... alone".

Maria put a grumpy face and yelled "NO!", drake's face changed as he got angry and yelled "HAAA! look at yourself!! You can't move with a body like that..., let me-...", Maria closed her ears and eyes and kept yelling "la-la-la, I don't hear you...".

drake tried to convince her "this is not a game... you might die...".

Maria stopped and looked down... suddenly she smiled and said with a sad tone "you know..., i have no problem with that.... because I'm willing to risk everything..., for my son... (looks at drake) his name is Edward by the way...".