Day 10: Battle Practice

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Kris and Noelle are in Castle Town. It took a little bit to clear out the original room of the training dummy. They had to move the Ponmen, Sweet Capn Cakes, and the salesman with the caterpillar. They put the clothes on the dummy, moved the mannequin out of the way, and got ready to train. The two stood on the now checkered floor and begin training. "Now Noelle." Kris softly spoke. "I want you to try to do actions on your own during battle." Noelle looked at Kris puzzled. "But isn't that your role in the party? Why would you want to get rid of that?" Kris felt a cold aura whenever they were able to command Noelle during battles. They were only comfortable with commanding Noelle to ACT. "I'm a Tactician. I only command the party sometimes." "Alright then Krismas." She said the pet name teasingly. Noelle began a battle with the dummy. "What do you want me to do first?" She instinctively asked. Kris sighed. "The point is for you NOT to follow my commands. I can't tell you what to do with the dummy." Noelle didn't want to battle on her own. "I don't know Kris, after all these adventures we've had i'm used to you commanding me." Kris just tried to encourage their girlfriend to battle without being told what to do. She was the last party member who couldn't battle without Kris' commands. Kris wanted as little agency on what their friends did during battle as the SOUL was stronger in the dark. They wanted to prepare everyone incase the SOUL problems came back.

Noelle ACTed, she had small talk with the dummy. Kris then attacked for the dummy. It was a simple attack, easy for anyone to dodge. Noelle just stood there. She got hit a little before realizing since Kris isn't on her side, she has to dodge on her own. "Sorry Kris! Not use to you being on the enemy's side." She said that with a little smile on her face as the sentence was kinda funny to her. Kris laughed a little as well. They saw how funny it was that them and Noelle are opponents in this battle. Not something you'd expect a couple to do. It was Noelle's turn, she ACTed again making more small talk to the dummy. She felt silly talking to the dummy. Kris then attacked in a slightly more complex attack pattern. Noelle dodged most of it but took some more damage. It was a great opportunity to heal by herself. She used some TP and used Heal Prayer to go back to full health. Kris spoke up. "Great job Noelle!" Noelle blushed. She loved it when Kris complimented her. "Now I'm not gonna hold back this turn. We've fought enemies who didn't go easy on us so I'm not either." "Well if your not going easy then I won't." She grinned competitively. "I saw a spell I've never used before in my menu. I've don't know what it does but when it's my turn your so going down! I think it's an attack spell?" Kris was a bit worried about their decision. They were pretty powerful and Noelle just only started to learn how to dodge on her own. She didn't perfectly dodge them. They still went with it. After all worst case scenario Noelle goes down and Kris uses some Star Candy to get her back up. Kris started slashing their sword sending shockwaves towards Noelle and a quick speed. Noelle started to dodge. She got hit a bunch but didn't go down. She decided to cast Ice Shock. The dummy instantly froze. Kris was behind the dummy and got hit a little by the spell. They fell to the floor going down in one hit. The battle ended.

Noelle ran up to Kris. "Are you okay!" They got up. "I'm fine." Kris was a little scared. During the SOULS control they felt it wanting to use Ice Shock whenever Noelle was in the party. The SOUL was feeling merciful though, it continued to SPARE every enemy which Kris was thankful for. Noelle then hugged Kris. "Noelle don't feel bad. I took the hit just fine." Kris tried to comfort her. Noelle was a little shaken. "The dummy froze.. what if that was you? Do I even have the power to freeze people? I never want to find out." She was starting to cry. Kris just hugged harder. They didn't know what to say to comfort her. They just kept hugging until they suddenly noticed something. They were back to full health. "Noelle, did you heal me?" "Yes." She sniffled. "I learned how to heal while hugging from Ralsei. I learned so I can heal you while we hug." She started to feel better remembering that. "Also, I can use it as an excuse to hug you." She said while her tail began to wag a little. Kris noticed her tail wagging and was relieved. They stayed hugging before someone came to the room. "Kris, Noelle, are you two done trai-" Ralsei saw what happened to his dummy. "You froze my dummy!" Kris and Noelle broke out of the hug and looked at Ralsei. "I didn't mean to! I just got a little carried away while training with Kris! I didn't know I can freeze the dummy!" She started to feel bad again. Kris noticed and held her hand. Noelle felt the guilt weigh off her shoulders. "Ralsei. How do I unlearn a spell?" Ralsei looked away from the two before looking sadly. "You can't unlearn a spell Noelle. You can only never use it until you forget about the spell, and hopefully never use it to hurt anyone again." That last part of that sentence felt a little personal and the pair noticed. They didn't want to poke for an answer so they didn't mention it. Kris spoke up. "How about we go to the cafè to relax ourselves. Think of it as a date Noelle." Noelle smiled. "Alright!" Ralsei smiled. "Glad to see you two enjoying yourselves. Susie's in the cafè currently so I will join you two so we all can hang out there." Kris and Noelle didn't want to hurt his feelings by not letting him tag along. The three walked over to the cafè as the denizens came back to the room. Music was beginning to fill the room while the salesman and caterpillar try to unfreeze the dummy to get the clothes back.

The End


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