Day 5: First Date

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Susie was nervous. She didn't have anything to dress up in so she stuck to her clothes she always wore. The Annual Hometown Festival was here and Noelle finally asked Susie to go with her. As Susie sits in the spot she and Noelle would meet. She starts to get nervous. "Aww geez, what if Noelle decided no last second, or what if her mom didn't let her go because of my reputation. Crap." Her worry melted away when she saw Noelle. Noelle was wearing a Christmas Sweater with two snowmonsters on it. She was wearing a brown skirt to go to contrast. "H-hey Susie." Noelle blushed. "I didn't t-think you'd be.. here before m-me." "Yeah well.. I was just around the neighborhood." Susie and Noelle walked to the entrance of the fair. "Welcome miss Holiday." "Hello. She's my plus one." "Oh, feel free to head inside." They both walked into the Festival and Susie was surprised. "Woah! You can just head in for free!" "Y-yeah.. The ticket vendors know my mom sets up the place so they let me in for free. Me, Kris, Azzy, and my sister never had to pay." Susie wanted to ask about Noelle's sister as Noelle never mentioned her sister that much. She decided she'd ask later. She started looking around to see what to do in the Festival. There were a few Carnival games, a small inflatable playground for little kids and a bumper cart area where she could see Kris and Asriel using it. There was also the convince store guy riding a bumper car with his brother.

"So. Where to first? I've never really been here before." "Well.. usually me and Kris would play a few carnival games, go to the Ferris Wheel where Kris always scared me when we got to the top." Susie laughed causing Noelle to blush. "Damn, wish I saw both of you at the top. Your reaction was probably hilarious to see!" Noelle laughed a little. "Y-yeah! I don't know why I always went with Kris! They always promised not to do that again but it always happened!" Noelle's smile made Susie's heart start beating fast. "Let's.. save the Ferris Wheel for last.. Don't want to miss the sunset." Noelle blushed. "Ye-yeah let's save that for last." "Was that a romantic gesture?" Noelle thought to herself. "I didn't think Susie.. would be able to.. flirt." Susie's attention got pulled by something. "Come one come all! Try your luck to get my feathers wet in this game." Susie dashed towards the voice leaving Noelle to catch up. "Hey!" Noelle yelled while she chased after Susie. "Try to catch up slow poke!" Susie yelled back. Her face widened, Noelle was no where to be found. "Heh, guess I'm just to fast for her." Susie said while stopping at the booth. "Too fast for who?" Noelle surprised Susie. "H-how!" "Joining track gives me these benefits." Noelle spoke slightly showing off. "Ahh Susie, Noelle, come here to see people try to dunk me into the water tank?" "Not try Berdly." Susie grinned. "I'm here to succeed." "Well no one else was able to knock me down." "Mostly because M.T, Snowy, and Jockington don't have arms." "Well. Let me be the one to knock you off your throne." Susie challenged. "Heh! You wouldn't be able to!" Berdly smugly said. "M-mostly because we're friends now!" Berdly corrected himself as he realized he was acting rude again. "Go easy on him." Noelle asked. "I will." "So Berdly. Now that we're friends you now get the same treatment as all my other friends." Berdly knew this wouldn't end well. Susie grabbed a ball, aimed towards the target, and threw. Everyone around the dunk tank watched in awe as the ball went to the dead center. Berdly's wooden platform opened and he fell in. Susie did her iconic monster laugh. "Hey! At least your dressed for the occasion!" Susie yelled towards him. "Y-yeah." Berdly swam up to the platform while it rose up. "Heh. Guess throwing crumpled pieces of paper at Kris really helped."

"Cmon! The Festivals almost over! Hurry up!" "Wheeeen diiiid you geeet soooo strooong." Noelle was grabbing Susie's hand while running towards the Ferris Wheel. When they arrived Susie fell onto Noelle due to the sudden stop. "Ow." "Sorry Noelle." "It's fine Susie. It was my fault for dragging you to the Ferris Wheel." The ride operator spoke. "Welcome Noelle. Kris isn't coming this time?" "Nope. they wanted to hang out with Asriel." "I see. Well enjoy your ride." The ride operator let Susie and Noelle inside of the Ferris Wheel. The machine started and Noelle started shaking. "What you scared?" Susie asked jokingly condescending. "N-no. Okay yes." The Ferris Wheel moved. "T-this is playing out like my dream." Susie remembered Noelle was never told that the Cyber World was real. "A dream? With me in it? Do tell." Susie got comfortable on the seat. "W-well.." Noelle started. "I had this dream that I was in a robot world. Me, Berdly, Kris, Asriel except he looked different, and you were in it." Susie leaned forward. "I got kidnapped by a Queen who wanted to use me to take over the world. Kris Azzy, and y-you saved me. Then you had to save me and Berdly!" "Anything you liked about the dream?" Susie pressed for an answer. "W-well.. we did go on a Ferris Wheel like this one. But like 80 times larger!" Susie's tail started wagging a little. "I never thought it would happen for real!" Noelle finished. The Ferris Wheel reached the top. Noelle and Susie could look at the view. "It's so beautiful."  Noelle said in awe. "Now I remember why I kept going with Kris." "You can see the whole damn town! I feel like-" "Susiezilla?" Noelle cut her off. "N-no." Susie said embarrassed. "Right I already said that." She thought. The two looked at the beautiful view as everyone else was seen to start leaving.

"W-well. That was fun!" Noelle spoke to Susie while they were leaving the Festival. "Hell yeah! I should go with you every year!" Susie excitedly responded. "Y-yeah.. me too." They reached the exit. "Well, This was fun!" Noelle said with a slight sad tone. She didn't want the night to just end. "Cmon Noelle! You gotta do it! Otherwise this date is wasted." Susie was about to leave until Noelle did something Susie never expected. "Noelle grabbed Susie's collar and kissed her on the mouth. Noelle and Susie were both blushing intensely. Noelle let go before running back to her home. "Bye Susie I had a great time on our date!" Noelle ran off saying. Susie looked around to see if anyone saw what happened. To her embarrassment Kris and Asriel were walking towards her. "Wow Susie. Kris said you were the bold one." "S-shut up college dweeb!" Kris and Asriel just continued to walk home. Asriel was laughing while Kris was silently chuckling. "I'm so gonna prank Kris tomorrow." Susie said to herself embarrassed. She began to walk home. The Annual Hometown Festival was being taken down. Only the Ferris Wheel remained intact while everything else was being cleaned up first.

The End


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