Day 7: Accidental Confession

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Susie and Kris were hanging around the school hoping to go into Castle Town once the school was empty. A few people were still in there, Toriel grading the elementary kid's papers, Alphys coming up with the next assignment for the class, and a few students who were studying for the test. Susie groans. "Why does it take so long just for people to study! Can't they just wing it like me!" Kris laughed silently but Susie noticed. "What! Are you saying winging it doesn't work?! I pay more attention then you in class considering I don't fall asleep during it!" Kris nodded in agreement still laughing. "Whatever, it's still a good strategy." Susie brushed the conversation away. The two waited outside with the wind blowing softly. Kris turned their head as someone exited the school. It was Berdly. "Kris! What are you and Susan doing here?" "Just enjoying the outside." Kris mumbled. "I see." Berdly responded. "See you two tomorrow then." He walked home with his books in his right wing. "I hope he's the last person in the school. Let's just go now!"

Susie and Kris came back into the Light World. "See, told ya there wasn't anybody here." Susie loudly exclaimed walking backwards to prove it. Kris motioned to Susie to look behind her. Susie didn't understand what they were gesturing. Susie then bumped into someone. "Hey! can't you see I'm-" she froze. It was Noelle. Noelle saw everything. Kris quickly walked towards the two. "Noelle! How long were you here.. exactly?" "W-where did you two go? The closet isn't built like that at all! I've been in their before!" She was stunned. "Well Noelle you see.. I'll explain to you later!" Susie had to think on her feet fast. "Do you want to go on a.. hang.. out.. thingy?" Noelle started to internally freak out. "Of course! Where do you want to go!" "Let's go to QC's Diner." "When shall we go?" "Now." Noelle couldn't take her excitement anymore. She bolted to QC's leaving Kris and Susie behind. "That bought us some time. You want to join us incase I need help explaining this to her." Kris didn't answer. "Not on the same table, you can do your own thing." Kris nodded their head. "Alright, let's go then. Crap. Why weren't we more careful! It's your fault for not stopping me from being impatient!"

Noelle and Susie are at QC's despite Catti's disapproval. Susie and Noelle are on the left middle table of the restaurant while Kris is in the corner table. "You sure Kris doesn't want to join us?" "You know how they are with people." Noelle then got to the question bugging her. "So what were you and Kris doing? It was like both of you jumped into a big hole then wind pushed you back up?" Susie couldn't avoid the question any further. "We found something in the school closet. That place is weird. I'll show you tomorrow." Noelle was a bit mad she had to wait till tomorrow to know what's happening entirely. Catti walked up to Susie and Noelle. She glared at Susie before turning to Noelle. "What are you and her doing here together?" "Having a-!" Catti glared at Noelle. Noelle got a bit scared. "Hang.. out.. thingy." Catti let her off the hook and began to glare at Susie again. "Look Catti can you not be pissed at me for today I'm trying to enjoy this." Susie realized what she implied which only made Catti more angry at her. Catti just walked away before things got more heated. Noelle got a bit nervous before excusing herself. "I guess Catti won't take our orders. I'll.. order for the both of us." Noelle got up to order. Kris walked towards Susie's table with hot chocolate in their hand. They sit down taking a sip of the drink. "I just told Noelle that something weird is in the school. We're gonna have to show her tomorrow." Kris acknowledged the statement and went back to their table which had Temmie sitting there. Noelle came back with two hot cocos. "I thought if Kris was having some why not us." She smiled awkwardly. "What we're you and Kris talking about?" Susie took a big gulp of her drink before answering. "Yknow.. just planning to show you the thing tomorrow." Susie was starting to lose her cool. She didn't like lying to Noelle. She couldn't outright tell her until they were alone since having people know about the Dark World would cause more problems. Things were only made worse because Susie only asked Noelle on a date to distract her from questioning what she saw. Susie felt awful. "Susie.." Noelle looked sad. "Did you.. not want to go out with me?" Susie got scared. "No! I want to it's just I have to wait till tomorrow to show you what you saw. If that makes any sense." Noelle ears perked up a little. "Really?" "Of course! Why the hell would I not want to go out with you!" Noelle smiled and was her jolly self again.

Kris is talking to Catti, mostly to distract her from the fact that Noelle and Susie are staring lovingly as they enjoy the rest of their now official date. "So what are you and Susie going to show Noelle. You two aren't the best at keeping secrets." Kris said the first thing that came to their mind. "Birthday Present." "But her birthday isn't for another week and a half?" Kris doubled down. "Early birthday present." Catti just got confused before giving up. Temmie took up the rest of Catti's time before her family came in. Susie and Noelle were now able to enjoy their date without Catti intervening.

The End


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