Day 3: Sleepless Nights

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"I think you guys should go now. It's a school night after all." "C'mon Ralsei school's not that important." Susie responded. The next thing she knows, her and Kris are back in the Light World. "Kris! Why the hell did you kick us out!" Kris only smirked and motioned her to follow them. They walked outside the school to reveal that night had fallen. "I get it." Susie sarcastically spoke. "You don't want to get in trouble with your mom again. Jeez Kris I'm such a bad influence on you." She finished teasing and the pair walked their way back to Kris' house.

Kris was sleeping in their deathly quiet room darkness was overtaking everything. Then they woke up. They wanted to instinctually rip their Soul out of their body and place it back in the cage. They stopped themself from that when they remembered it was no longer needed. Kris got irritated, now they can't sleep. Kris' body was so used to waking up every night that they couldn't unlearn the habit. They had all night to pass, they thought about going back to the Dark World but they got kicked out. Ralsei would be furious to find out Kris hasn't been sleeping. They first tried to go back to sleep. It was relaxing as they enjoyed sitting in the silent room. The only thing they liked about Asriel being in college was that they didn't have to hear the snoring anymore. Kris did start to miss it though.

2 hours passed. Kris adjusted to the only black room. The room was the same as it ever was. The only thing that changes was a picture added to Kris' shelf. Noelle practically begged them to have something to be added on the shelf. Ralsei suggested a picture but it had to be in the light world according to him. Due to the limits that have to be put the picture only contained 3 Lightners and 1 Darkner. Susie making a gesture that was barley not rude in order to not anger Toriel who took the photo. Noelle smiling and holding Kris. And Kris who was was blank as always in any picture taken. Kris wore a red headband with devil horns in the picture. They now stood on their bed, staring at the picture. They decided to call someone near and deer to them.

Noelle picked up surprisingly. "Hey Kris!" Kris didn't expect anyone to pick up. "Why is Noelle up so late?" They thought. "Just got back from the Dark World and I'm heading home now." So many questions rose up into their brain. "Why, why are you awake?" Kris whispered hoping to answer at least 1 question they had. "I wanted to hang out with Queen. Why are you up?" Kris was about to answer when Noelle cut them off. "Fahahaha. I know why your up silly, you can't sleep. Like when we had a sleepover and you stayed up all night. I had to stay up with you after you scared me with your prank." Kris looked back fondly at that memory. She then whispered to not grab the attention to the night owls while she walked past their house. "Why can't you sleep again? Last time you said it was because you scared yourself. You better not tell that lie again." Shock was felt. "Noelle's surprising me a bunch today." Their inner monologue continued. "I guess I should tell some part of the truth." A gate could be heard opening, Noelle wincing was also heard while quietly failing to keep quiet. The gate closed. "Go on." she whispered pointlessly gesturing. Her hooves could no longer be heard clacking but she was still walking. Barley being able to hear her now Kris took a second to respond. "I can't really sleep. This has been going on for a while. I guess the Dark Worlds have just made me too awake to sleep now." Noelle believed them. "Me too. Ever since knowing the Dark World's existence, I'm having trouble sleeping. Today was-" a loud sound of fabric was heard, before a cloth was rustling on Noelle's end of the call. A pulling of the cloth was heard until a window was hear closing. Kris knew those sounds all too familiar. Dess and Asriel snuck out often to hang out during the dead of night. Noelle always told them that Dess has a spare blanket to climb out of her window. She also put some Silent Squeak on her door to not wake anyone. Noelle got her door unsqueaked so Dess could make an excuse to her parents. "I get annoyed hearing Noelle's room open before mine did. It's harder to sleep knowing that my sister is sleeping in my closet."

Noelle began whispering again while climbing into her bed. "Tonight was too much for me. I just had to go back there to calm myself. It's hard to know that these adventures aren't a dream." "Well, I enjoyed talking to you. I'm gonna fall asleep now. Goodnight! Love.. h-hanging out with you. Even if it was on a call." Kris expected the call to hang up. But it didn't. Instead light snoring could be heard. "Can't handle the lack of sleep. Good." The thought was then replaced with the feeling of needing to sleep. Kris still couldn't sleep though. Instead, they pretended to go to sleep. Only paying attention to Noelle's light snoring.

The End


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