Chapter 1: Number M2742

Start from the beginning

The third floor of the research institute was immediately filled with the chattering voices of the teenagers, and this time Lin Han heard clearly that the topic did revolve around the General who was known as the Imperial Blade.

Lin Han had a good personality, and after teaching them for a month, those who had admired him before hadn't lost their admiration, but were much bolder and could say many things to his face.

Some of the teenagers would add actions when they got excited, eager to let the listener know how brave and martial General He really was; and the listener also nodded repeatedly, full of admiration. As they talked, they left the gate and walked together toward the place where the communal craft was moored, while Lin Han withdrew his gaze and returned to the position he had just left from.

He was more concerned about the damaged mechas that were about to be shipped over than the General.

It was getting late, and these days, the nights came unannounced.

Lin Han looked up at the canopy that had lowered at some point.

The starry sky of the empire seemed to stay the same forever. It was clear that he was living on one of the richest planets in the M System, but he still wanted to look up at the stars.

The sky was gray and dull, and it would light up before it was morning.

Although he did have a few cleanliness issues, they weren't as exaggerated as the rumors said. He took off his gloves and looked down at his hands when no one was around.

The skin on the back of his hands was very thin, his bones and joints were well-defined and he had long fingers, with a cool pale hue.

These hands looked no different from others.

Only he himself knew—

These hands were hiding a secret.

At this moment, the door of the cubicle opened and another person wearing the same institute uniform as Lin Han walked in and brought him a nutrient, "Still not finished?"

"Thanks." Lin Han saw the man coming, put his gloves back on, and took it while replying, "The mecha that needs repairing will be here soon, so I have to take a look."

Shen XiuNan said, "The General's back now, so we shouldn't be in a hurry... forget it, it's useless to talk to you. Such a workaholic."

Lin Han responded, unscrewed the nutrient, and took a sip, and even though Shen XiuNan specially picked a less unpalatable taste for him, his body still physically didn't like this stuff. Lin Han couldn't help but frown slightly, but still continued to finish the entire nutrient drink, "You can go first."

Shen XiuNan gave him a worried look, wanting to say something.

Lin Han, of course, knew what he wanted to say and gave his friend and colleague a placating look, "You can leave work early, I'll check everything. I don't have anything to do when I go home anyway."

"Sometimes I really think you're a machine." Shen Xiu Nan pursed his lips and spoke slowly, with some doubt and dissatisfaction, "You really treat the Institute as your home, not to mention when you go home, you go home to guard your pile of mecha parts and academic materials. It's no different from being at the Institute." He paused and added, "But it's the General's mecha that's being sent over... Honestly, if I had the ability to fix it, I would want to see it up close."

Lin Han didn't answer, only slightly lowered his eyes, not displaying any other emotions, neither anger nor defensiveness. He stood straight, wearing the Institute's white uniform on his lean body, his hair, and eyebrows a pure and quiet thick black. The chest plate on the top left was engraved with his identity — position, gender, and mental strength.

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