How to Discipline a Phantomhive

Start from the beginning

"That. . . is no such simple thing. . . In every civilization, there is a 'polite society' and an 'underworld'. Great Britain is no exception. The rogue organization known as 'Phantomhive' covers up any number of criminal acts carried out by the royals and will stop at nothing to eliminate any and all who may seek to harm the royal family.

"By all rights, they act as a royal shadow, or a 'phantom'. It should have never come into being. The underbelly of the East End. . . The criminals and black guards of other nations who congregate therein. . . So that these undesirables do not spill out onto polite society, they employ their monstrous authority to rule over all and police every inch of this country's underworld. . . "

He stared at Ciel as he continued to get further down the walkway of the city.

Then, his eyes landed on you, who still stood there with a look of distress and sadness.

"That. . . is the Phantomhive Earldom for you."

Abberline was too entranced with Ciel and his dark background to notice how the Commissioner was now focused on you.

Abberline continued to question.

"So basically, they're the opposite of the police department? For the reason that they use the powers of evil to carry out the Queen's orders? Those slip of children like them?"

"That Phantomhive boy. . . There is no child there. That is the Devil himself. That boy with him, however. . . I can't speak for him, but I have a clear prediction of what is in store for him."

That's when you looked up at him, surprising him.

And then, you approached them both.

Abberline panicked somewhat, though the Commissioner was patient, staring at you sternly.

Once you reached them, you stood there firmly. You held a sad little face, but your cheeks suggested that you were more shy than anything.

Nonetheless, you stuck your hand out to them, wanting a handshake.

"It was nice meeting you both. Thank you for letting me. . . Well, you know. . . My name is (Y/n), by the way. It was nice meeting you both. Oh, w-wait, I already said that!"

The Commissioner stared at you for a moment before giving you the tiniest bit of a sympathetic smile.

You jumped and placed your hands behind your back in embarrassment as he ruffled your hair.

"Don't become what should have never existed. Got it, boy?"

You let out a squeak, "Ah?"

Ciel turned around to look for you once upon realizing you were not following from behind.

He called out to you, "(Y/n), I don't suppose you expect me to leave you here?"

You turned around quickly, slightly yelling a "Sorry!"

You looked to the two Yard members, spewing one last, "I have to go! It was nice meeting you!"

You shook your head, a blush growing more evident.

"S-sorry, I said it again! Bye, and have a good day, Mister Lord Randall! Mister Abberline!"

Abberline was rather shocked at your respectful acknowledgment, which he hardly ever got, but nonetheless exclaimed a flattered, "Oh! Bye now!"

The Commissioner waved you away with a "You as well."

The two watched as you hurried to Ciel's side.

By the time you were gone, the Commissioner let that rare smile of his fall.

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