Chapter six

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"Get up jeez you let yourself get trampled." I looked at him weirdly and he made a face like a 'where's my thanks' face, "Thank you." I said walking down the stairs once we reached the bottom he dapped me up, "I'm Minho Jin, Nice to meet you." I didn't know what to say. "and you are?" Minho asked curiously. "Sorry, I'm Malia Black," I said walking towards the door

"Nice to meet you miss black." I smiled "And you mr jin." We walked out and searched for our names on the tablets to find the keys that were on the tables. We walked towards each other, "It was nice meeting you see you later?" He said with a friendly smile on his face, "Sure."

He walked away grabbing a book bag and throwing his keys in the air. Minho seemed nice and genuine at least I had spoken to someone. My dorm number was one-two-one, I walked down the hall with my book bag that felt heavier than my dead cat who was ten kilos.

I opened the door to a girl unpacking. I put my stuff down on the other empty bed I was guessing was mine and the girl approached me. "Hey, I'm Natalia Lopez Your roommate." I smiled because she was being friendly. "Hi, I'm Malia Black." She gasped, "YOUR THE MALIA BLACK LIKE MALIA AKKAR SHAIDAI BLACK?!" I was kinda scared of this girl she knew my whole name and I didn't even know her.

"Yes? That's me and how do you know my full name?" She laughed, "NO WAY I'M SHARING A DORM WITH YOU, everyone knows who you are your parents are two of the biggest serial killers of all time, Wait till Jesus gets a load of this."

"Wait so is this school really filled with murderers?" She smirked, "Yeah my parents murdered like twenty people." I laughed "My parents did over forty." Her jaw dropped, "Wow your parents are legends." then I remembered what she said earlier, "What did you say about Jesus hearing about this?" She clapped her hands excitedly,

"SO BASICALLY I WAS KINDA SCARED TO TELL YOU BUT OUR PARENTS WERE BEST FRIENDS AND WE BOTH ALWAYS REMEMBERED YOU BUT DIDN'T KNOW WHERE YOU WENT." Wow that was a lot I thought. "Really?" She came over and gave me a hug which I wasn't expecting, "We were supposed to adopt you but in the will your aunt had to take you."

I stopped breathing for a minute, "a will?" Natalia pulled back, "You haven't seen your will?" I shook my head, "Don't worry now that you have me and Jesus in your life we will help you." I still didn't know who she was but Natalia seemed nice. "are your parents still you know... alive?" she rolled her eyes, "yes don't worry you can speak to them to if you want?" I nodded and we walked out the dorm.

Once we arrived at the dinner hall I realized Natalia had left me so I grabbed a tray and collected my food. Once I had my dry cheese and pickle sandwich with some crisps and a chocolate milk, I looked around to see where to sit. I thought about sitting in the bathrooms and it would be social suicide but I didn't have a choice till someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned and it was Minho "Malia right?" He said smiling, "Yeah I was just leaving." I said trying to walk away but he stopped me, "Wait come sit with me?" He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked towards the tables at the back. Minho took my tray an put it on the table and then sat me down with his friends. "These are my boys, Boys introduce yourselves." there were four boys excluding Minho. The first one spoke.

"Yo I'm Scot, I play football." Scott was cute he looked like a wolf from his Blue eyes and his brown fluffy hair. then the second one spoke, "Wassup I'm Adam I play basketball." Adam looked like a basketball player not just from his Jordan's but his physique he looked athletic. then the third spoke. "Hi I'm Hades, and I Play Soccer." I smiled Because I liked soccer especially Manchester City. Then the last one spoke, "I'm Marcus and I'm a boxer." Marcus had a leather jacket and I was curious. "What's with the jacket." He smirked, "I'm a biker, you should come for a ride sometime." Marcus said winking.

I looked over at Minho, "So what do you do?" He scoffed, "well besides all four of those I do Fencing, Archery, Swimming and Mixed Martial Arts." All the boys scoffed in anger, "Thanks for one upping us times ten." Adam said and Scott sighed, "Come on Adam we all know you were trying to impress her." Hades laughed, "Okay enough both of you She likes me the most." Marcus Just looked at me His eyes as black as the night sky and Someone called my name.

"Malia where have you been, I was looking for you." Before I say anything Minho speaks, "She's been here with us clearly Lopez." She rolled her eyes in disgust, "Malia doesn't need to be harassed by the Spice girls she will be going now." Natalia Grabbed my tray and took me to our table. "Sorry about that they steel everyone away." At the table is Me, Natalia, and two other boys.

"So this is my twin brother Jesus." He smiled, "Hey Malia when Natalia told me you were here I was so excited to see you. I have so many memories of us together." I raised an eyebrow, "Oh let's see?" he shook his head, "They're in my dorm." I gave him a nod that said, 'okay'.

Then I looked over to the other boy and Natalia started talking, "Malia this is..." the boy Interrupted, "No need for the intro Nat, I'm Kriss Lanez and I'm the Best Biker you'll ever find." I rolled my eyes from his rudeness to my friend.

As they sat and talked I realized I was no longer with my friends but I had new ones to make up for it I did really miss Jake though I hope in the future I can see him again.

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