Chapter five

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"Wait what? But my parents..." She interrupted laughing, "Didn't have any siblings? yes, they did. Joshua your Father had two brothers and perfect little Bonnie had two sisters. Quite perfect if you ask me no?"

"I'm so confused what's Krillers and why me? I don't kill people?" She smirked like a villain ready to use her plan to cause pain and chaos. "Well Malia darling, your parents signed you up when you became of the right age of seventeen, but you must be collected exactly twelve days before your birthday. You will be assigned a team and a partner when you arrive.

I sighed, "I just want to go home." "Hush now darling, Krillers is a game which you stay in for a year. There are over one hundred thousand teams that apply but only one thousand teams get accepted. Krillers is no joke, it's been around since the fifteen hundreds. People come to krillers to kill and be rewarded with the one thousand million cash prize.

"Are you being serious?" she sighed, "Ugh yes continuing. everyone has dorms and you get served breakfast lunch and dinner, it's basically a dream lifestyle besides the killing. 

"Wait I'm still confused." "Oh yes I forgot the main part training at the crase school for the krillers championship is part of the championship which is why you stay for a year, we can't just force everyone into combat of course. Also be careful most of the contestants are either hunters, murderers like you, schizos, mythicals, or just psychos.

"Wait do we..." she clapped her hands, "Enough questions, boys if you don't mind." They sprayed something from a black can on my eyes and everything went black. When I woke up I was still in the limo "Ow my head where am I?" I said rubbing my forehead, I looked outside and we were In some forest area, "Oh your awake Malia darling we're here!!" My aunt said full of excitement.

The driver pressed a button and some of the ground, "Hold on to something Malia." My aunt said gripping the seat, "WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!" I said as we went through the ground and ended up outside a Building. The two men got out of the car and let me out not letting go of me. I stood up nearly falling from my legs being asleep. we walked into the building and we entered a hall. There was So many kids there I thought I was going to get lost.

The two men let go of me and pointed in the direction of A whole ocean of  seats like an assembly hall or something so I went and sat down. Then a voice spoke, "If everyone could grab a water bottle and sit down now please." I rolled my eyes looking at my aunt speaking and a boy nudged me. "What's your problem?" I said annoying my arm hurting, "She's so hot, Don't roll your eyes at her." I scoffed in disbelief.

"Welcome to the Crase everyone, You should already know what your doing here if you applied with your parents but if you didn't it will have been explained to you on your ride over. You all have your assigned dorms which could be with your partner if your lucky, This school is different in dorms you will be mixed weather its girls or boys or both together does anyone object to that or need a special room?"

The room was silent for a minute and then a boy stood up, "Excuse me sorry Ma'am I need my own room." The boy was freakishly skinny and pale he looked like a ghost, his glasses had a crack in one of the lenses and his outfit looked worn out like he had worn it for years. "Yes son just come see me at the end, Anyone else?" No one spoke "Right then moving on."

"Also another heads up Training starts Monday, you must train with your partner and learn all of each others strengths and weaknesses." I looked around to the people whispering and looked back at my aunt, "Now time to talk about The most important topic: Krillers, is a Championship game which most of your parents or close family competed in, Its a very sensitive game and It contains very hard challenges and tasks which include team work but also going solo."

I was so tired of this boring speech but I had to listen or I would die. "I'm just going to say this now Most of you won't make it only the stronger of you CHILDREN physically AND mentally will make it." The way she emphasized on the word children annoyed me because I know myself I can do this the rest of them I'm not sure.

"There are ten challenges to complete during training and if you don't complete them you can't compete in the championship league which contains under one hundred teams out of the one thousand that enter. The last thirteen contestants will compete in the battle of the black and whites but you will find out about that later." I sighed this was so boring I was falling asleep.

"That is the end of my information I know this is a lot to take in but it will come in times. The the boys common room is on the left and the girls is on the right but the girls dorms are on the left and the boys are on the right so don't get confused. Before you leave grab a book bag and the keys to your dorm which will be next to your name outside. Thank you and good night."

I got up and walked down the aisle but while walking I fell and got trampled by a bunch of teens who were in a rush to get out of the roasting hall I tried to get up but people kept pushing past until Someone tapped my shoulder...

WN: HEYY I WONDER WHOS TAPPING ON MALIA'S BACKK HMMM GET READY FOR THE NEXT PART COMING SOON I know i'm not that Consistant but im trying to balance school with thisss thanks for the supportttttt

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