"There we go" I whisper to myself, stretching my hands out close to the fire, feeling the heat warm my hands and the cold is gone in a instant.
The blanket begins to fall off my head and down to my shoulders, but I don't really mind as I'm no longer feeling as cold as before, and my mind seems to be more at peace now. But that doesn't mean I am at peace with myself.

Once I'm warm enough, I stand up straight and turn to face the couch, seeing a few pillows laying around, I place one and the top and one on the floor next to it, making it so I have a little bit more room. Which I really don't.
I sit in the middle and turn my body sideways, lifting my feet up and resting my back, completely laying down and resting my muscles once more.

I breath out in relief and close my eyes, loving the way my body sinks slightly into the couch and the blanket consumes me. Heat flows through my body and for once, I relax. My mind isn't racing like before, but some thoughts still run through.
Like Sweeney for instance.
He is the only thing I seem to think about, and I'm not really surprised at that.

Everything about him has me feeling on edge and I'm not sure if that's a good thing, seeing as he acts differently around me in certain situations. Sometimes he's cold and distant, or angry and aggressive. But there are times where he's calm and understanding, caring towards me even. And the two parts of me welcome those, but they only welcome parts of which I allow.

I'm not really sure how I should be feeling about him right now. All I know is that when we kissed, I enjoyed it, liked it.
And to say it was my first ever kiss, it wasn't all that awkward to say the least.
But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be having mixed feelings right now, which I definitely do and I'm fighting myself with what terms to come to.

I wonder what it will be like in the morning, if Sweeney will act the same or different towards me and I'm not sure if I want him to or need him to, as it can come as a distraction. A distraction which I don't really need as I'm so close to ending this. Ending Turpin and Beadle.
Then ending me.

It was always my plan to join my family once killing everyone as I had no other reason to continue on. But why am I feeling conflicted about that now....

God I need to stop thinking and sleep, I can't be having all these thoughts and emotions right now. I need to focus.
On sleep.

I open and stare ahead, feeling irritated that I finally got comfy enough to sleep and someone just called out my name.
I lift up and lean my head to look over my shoulder with my blanket sliding down my arms, and there I see Toby looking tired and confused.

"Hey....what are you doing up?" I groan out, fully twisting my body round to face him and he starts to walk towards me, rubbing his eyes.
I notice dark circles under his eyes and a few red marks on his hand when he rubs his eye, and I have a uneasy feeling about that.

"I heard footsteps and wanted to see who it was. Thankfully you" he replies, taking a seat on the chair next to me.
"Heh, glad to make an appearance then" I chuckle, laying my back down on the couch.
"Yeah" he chuckles too and I look at him to see the dark circles clearer than before, and they are dark and round. Poor lad is exhausted.

"Working hard then?" I ask and he nods.
"Yes. Mrs Lovett has me running round all day. Keepin me busy" he shrugs and I frown, thinking that he doesn't seem to be enjoying doing so.
"Do you enjoy it? Working all day?" I ask and he shrugs again.
"I don't mind it. Work is all I know really, so it's nothing new. Besides, the jobs are easy" he sighs and leans back on the chair as well.

I think for a moment, about how Toby is young and working all day for us. While we murder people and turn them into pies, possibly endangering him in the process.
What if we got caught?
Would Toby be seen as an accomplice?
What would happen to him?

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