Meeting Mr.Todd

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Nellie leads me out to the side of the shop, that leads to a staircase up to the second floor.
She guides me to follow her.
I don't leave my belongings behind because my things are in there, things I need.
I grab a short bunch of my black dress upwards, making sure I don't trip, my shoes that are barely hanging onto my feet. Though they manage. I'm not one to wear fancy clothes.

*knock knock*
"Mr.T, we have company" Nellie walks in whilst barely knocking.
She walks in but I stay standing in the doorway not wanting to enter any further as I'm set with a pair of dark eyes staring directly at me.

She walks in but I stay standing in the doorway not wanting to enter any further as I'm set with a pair of dark eyes staring directly at me

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The man is fairly tall, with black long hair and chunk of white that's curled around.
He's also pale with dark eyes, just like Nellie. His expression is strange, it has a mixture of annoyance, anger, shock, but also sadness. I really can't tell.

He dressed in a fitted way, showing the outline of body and posture. He's attractive. I won't lie.
But he's a man. A man I don't know. A man I don't trust.

"Y/n, this is Mr Todd. Mr.T, this is y/n, my new assistant. She'll be living here and helping round with the bakery"

He doesn't even look away from me, nor do I.
It almost feels as if he's challenging me, seeing if I'm intimidated by his presence. I'm not.
Though it is quite hard not to look at him.
His focus is entirely on me.

I cut the tension by walking in a little more to the room.
"Hello Mr Todd" I nod towards him.

He blinks. Didn't realise he hadn't this entire time.
He walks around a chair that sits beside a huge window, not leaving my stare.

The way he walks over to me. It's strange. Like he some sort of animal stalking it's prey.
Or he might just be some fucking weirdo.

"Please...." He grabs my hand softly, making me stumble by the sudden change of behaviour. His voice is low and husky. It almost makes me shiver. I didn't expect his voice to be so-

"Call me Sweeney" placing a soft kiss on my hand, he still doesn't look away.
He's close. Close enough to get a smell of something I can't quite tell, but before anything he drops my hand and steps back as if I burnt him.

Nellie finally tunes in and breaks off the strange tension in the room.

"Hopefully we all can get along nicely now. Y/ n I'll have your room ready in a few hours, I just have to run somewhere. But feel free to look around the shop and get a sense of its whereabouts"
She's out the door before I can respond.

Leaving me in here with him.

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